A Week?

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It's been a week since Mei rejected Yuzu.

Mei was walking home from grabbing groceries from the store. It was raining heavily so one hand was holding all the groceries and the other held the umbrella.

Mei looks up from the ground and looks ahead. On the other side of the street, Yuzu and another girl were walking together. The new girl started blushing like mad, and looked like she was scolding Yuzu.

Yuzu quickly places a kiss on the girls cheek and runs away, laughing. The girl grins and runs after Yuzu.

Mei's eyes widen. 'She's already happy with someone else..?' Mei looks down at her groceries. 'I was gonna confess to her..today.'

Mei tears up and runs the whole way home.

Fluff is gone.

Fluff will return soon to kill you.

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