Yuzu gets jealous

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( the choice Yuzu gets comforted) They're in year 2, and Mei is more open with her feelings. (Obviously only to Yuzu 😏)

It was Valentine's Day..Yuzu was hating every second of it.

Mei was getting so much gifts and attention from her admirers and she barley had any time to spend with her.

Right now.. she was laying in bed scrolling through Instagram looking at happy couples. While Mei was giving her attention to her 'lovely' student council work.

Yuzu sighs heavily and looks at Mei.




More silence


Mei sighs and turns to look at the blonde. " what is it Yuzu."

"Can we do something for Valentine's Day..?"

"No. I'm busy."

Mei turns around and continues her work. Yuzu highly disappointed, just stares at the ceiling.

Not even two seconds later Yuzu mutters under her breath "you have all the time in the world for your admirers and work but not for me." She rolls her eyes.

She opens a random app on her phone and plays it.

Mei tries to focus on her work but she heard the small comment from Yuzu. Mei sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"I'm going to sleep."  Yuzu yawns and crawls under the covers.

Mei was thinking of how to cheer Yuzu up. But it looked like see was focusing on her work.

2 hours  later Mei finishes and stretches her body.
She changes into her pajamas, and slides into the bed.

She noticed Yuzu's breathing pattern was different from her sleeping pattern. (Creepy much? lmao)

" Yuzu you're not asleep?"

"Mhm... almost." Yuzu says sleepily

" We can go on a date tomorrow, my treat." Mei says

" you're gonna be busy Mei.. you should focus on your work" Yuzu says with a small voice crack.

Mei's  eyes widen at the response. She knows  what's going on.

" Yuzu. Turn around to me."

For a couple seconds yuzu is still, but she follows the command and turns around.

Yuzu's eyes are watery and there's tears slipping down her face.

'No.. I hurt her again.. why do I keep doing this.' Mei frowns but quickly replaces it with her strict mask.

"Yuzu.. come here.."  Mei opens her arms for Yuzu to come into her arms.

Yuzu shuffles over a bit and hides her face under Mei's chin, while hugging her.

' her hug is weaker when she's sad.. have to remember that.' Mei makes a note in her head as she wraps her arms around Yuzu.

" what's wrong Yuzu?"

Yuzu let's put a shaky sigh. " I wanted today to be special since it's Valentine's Day but you ended up being busy with other things, I have a whole gift that I couldn't even give to you."

" May I see it?" Mei plays with her hair gently, she remembered Yuzu always did that to calm her down.

" it wouldn't make since if I gave it to you now. But fine "  Yuzu mumbles as she reaches into a pocket that is in her pants.

She takes out a small ring box and gave it  to Mei. Mei opens the ring box, and there's two rings.

One has a brown teddy bear and one has a blonde/yellow teddy bear.  Mei smiles and admires the smaller details.

" this is so lame.. I was supposed to give it to you and be all cool but instead I'm crying into your chest. I don't understand what you see in me, you could leave me any second for another girls that's prettier than me..hdjsosjebci" Yuzu mumbles after the " prettier than me" and Mei doesn't hear after that.

Mei's eyes widen and she looks at Yuzu.

'No wait. I won't leave. Don't leave.'  Fear settles in Mei as she doesn't know what to say.

" see? You're probably already with another girl"


Yuzu unwraps her arms and was about to shuffle away, but Mei hugs her tightly.  She takes a deep breath before starting.

" Yuzu I would never leave you I would rather  prick myself with a sewing needle a million times and not leave you, and don't think that these gifts are lame,  I think these are absolutely cute.  who would not date you, you're everything I could ask for. You're open with your emotions, you're funny,Loyal and you're always trying to help me." Mei says all in one breath.

Now it was time for Yuzu to be shocked. She looks up at Mei with wide eyes.

For a couple seconds no one says anything and they stare at each other.  Yuzu grins and hugs Mei tightly, almost squeezing her to death.

" Yuzu.. don't squeeze me so hard.." Mei loosens her grip a bit.

" sorry I'm just super happy" Yuzu looks up at Mei and gives a small kiss on the nose.

Mei smiles and gives a kiss on the forehead.

" you're my silly blonde..."


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