Spending time on christmas

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'I'm still so tired..' Mei slowly opens her eyes from her sleep, only to be met with Yuzus chest.

'All of a sudden I'm asleep.' Mei wraps her hands around Yuzu and nuzzles her nose into Yuzus chest. Mei let's out a big sigh of comfort.

'Yuzu is like a huge teddy bear..she's my new teddy bear. I shall cuddle her whenever I want..'  Mei smiles a little.

"hmmnnn.." Yuzu stretches a bit.

Yuzu opens her eyes slowly and looks at Mei. "Mei..are you awake?"  Yuzu's voice was a bit deep from her sleep.

No response

Yuzu giggles at Mei's horrible attempt at fake sleeping. She grabs a piece of Mei's hair and puts it behind her ear.

Mei shivers.

"Mei..wakey wakey." Yuzu places a kiss on Mei's forehead. Mei stretches herself and covers her face by putting her face further into Yuzus chest.

"mmmnhh." Mei looks up slowly with sleepy eyes.

Yuzu smiles and starts placing small kisses on her face.

Mei closes her eyes and relaxes. Mei unwraps her hands and wraps them around her teddy bears neck.

"Mei...it's time to open the presents."

"huh..? Presents?" Mei blinks.

"Today's Christmas silly." Yuzu bops Mei's nose gently.

Yuzu sits up slowly, with Mei still hanging on her. Mei let's go and gets up.

"Lets go to the living room. We shouldn't keep Mother waiting."

Yuzu grins and nods happily.

Mei smiles lightly and walks out. With Yuzu behind her.

"Finally you guys are awake!" Sho exclaims.

"Dad you're here!" Yuzu runs over to Sho and tackles him with s hug.

"Good morning mother and father." Mei sits down on the couch.

"Hey don't ignore me Yuzu!" Ume scolds her in a joking manner.

Yuzu hugs Ume too. "I'm not!" Yuzu pouts slightly.

"Let's start opening presents since everyone is here." Sho grins.

-after opening the presents-

"Sorry girls.. but I have to leave again." Sho smiles awkwardly.

"It's okay dad."

" it's okay father"

"See you soon Sho." Ume smiles gently.

-more time skip ;)-

"I'm gonna go to work. We can spend time tomorrow, sorry girls." Ume waves and walks out.

"See you mother/mama" Mei and Yuzu say goodbye.

Mei walks away and goes to her desk.

"Huh?? Mei? Don't you wanna do something fun?"

"Like what? We already opened the presents."  Mei grabs her paperwork and was about to start on it until Yuzu snatched her pen.

"Nu-ah. Today's Christmas which means you're relaxing." Yuzu throws the pen somewhere and picks up Mei bridal style.

"Yuzu. Put. Me. Down." Mei glares at Yuzu.

"nope~" Yuzu giggles a bit and walks to the living room.

Yuzu throws Mei on the couch, getting a shriek out of her.

"We're gonna watch some movies!" Yuzu smiles brightly.

Mei sighs and shakes her head. "Alright only two.."

"Yes!" Yuzu does a victory dance.

"Come here you idiot.."

Yuzu happily goes over to Mei and lays down with her. (Making Yuzu the smaller spoon)

Yuzu turns on their first movie.

- 5 movies later-

"Yuzu we should go to sleep in our be-" Mei blinks at the calm, sleeping Yuzu.

'So adorable..' Mei smiles gently.

Yuzu mumbles something about red flavored skittles and turns over, so she's facing Mei. Yuzu was curled into a ball, with her hands holding each other.

Mei grabs one of her hands and holds it, her eyes widening from how cold it is.

'Jesus Christ.. why are they so cold?' Mei rubs Yuzu's hand.

"Yuzu..." Mei shakes Yuzus arm gently.

Half asleep , the blonde responds with "mmm...hmm?".

"We should go to bed Darling. You're cold." Mei places a small kiss on Yuzus cheek.

"alright..." Yuzu slowly gets up.

Mei gets up and helps the half asleep Yuzu into their bedroom.

Mei lays Yuzu on her side of the bed and gets under the covers with her.

"Yuzu. Snuggle up to me, you're very cold." Mei looks at her worriedly.

Yuzu shuffles up to Mei and hugs her tightly.

"You're very warm..ya know." Yuzu puts her head on Mei's shoulder.

Mei silently panics 'what do I do?! I'm usually the one who's the bottom in cuddling! Ok. Calm down.its gonna be okay.'  Mei awkwardly wraps her arms around the blonde.

Yuzu let's out a nice sigh and relaxes.

Mei blinks and looks at her.

'She's already asleep? I have a big effect on her..'

Mei smiles and puts her chin on top of Yuzu's head.

Their neighbors were playing Christmas music, it was heard quietly in heir bedroom.

'I love spending time with Yuzu...'


Heheh :)

Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it)


( Jesus about time of me making a fluff that isn't about Mei having nightmares or her being scared. 🙄🤚🏻)

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