Yuzu teaches Mei how to cook 🥺❤️

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Mei wakes up early like always and looks at her side. She smiles a bit as she watches Yuzu drooling while she is in a deep sleep. Mei gets up silently and puts on clothes. She walks to the kitchen. ' the cooking classes will be a help today..'. Mei thinks as she takes out a pan and ingredients.

Yuzu groans quietly as she stretches herself while still laying. "mmggh.." Yuzu whines  a bit as the sun hits her eyes and she turns over.

Once her eyes open fully, in her disappointment she sees that Mei is not next to her. She smells something burning, thinking Ume burned something on accident she stays laying in bed.

Yuzu eyes open wide once she hears a scream and something falling from the kitchen. She gets up at the speed of light and runs to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?!"  She looks over the kitchen. Yuzu sees a burnt pancake, chilling on the floor with extra cooking oil around it. The pan upside down on the counter, and a very scared Mei on the floor.

She immediately runs over to Mei. " Mei did you burn yourself?"  Mei nods a bit as she stands up.

Yuzu grabs Mei's hand gently and puts the burn under cold water. Once they're done with keeping it under the water, Yuzu turns around and looks at the mess again, letting out a small sigh.

"Sorry, I was trying to make some breakfast..I overestimated my cooking skills." Mei whispers with head head down.

Yuzu snaps her head to Mei. " Mei it's fine. Everyone makes mistakes while cooking." Yuzu says hugging Mei in the process.

" how about we clean this mess up, then I can teach you?" Yuzu smiles. Mei nods hugging The blonde back a bit. 

" be careful around the oil, you might slip." Yuzu warns as she picks up the burnt pancake and throws it away. Mei nods as she grabs the pan putting it back on the stove.

~once they finish cleaning~

" alright, now on to the cooking!" Yuzu smiles.

" isn't the batter wrong?" Mei questions looking into the bowl.

"No, it's actually done perfectly" Yuzu smiles and gives a kiss on Mei's check.

" maybe every time you cook something perfectly on your own, I'll give you a reward" Yuzu grins while Mei blushes.

" just start teaching me you dork.." Mei mumbles

" hehe... alright alright"

" so, the first thing you need to do is put a little cooking oil. If you put it too much it will make the pancakes too greasy." Yuzu says as she pours a little in.

" you have to wait a little, for the pan to heat up and be ready."

"How do  you know when it's ready?" Mei  questions

" I usually just put a bit water on my finger and flick the water into the pan" Yuzu shows an example, making Mei jump because the cooking oil jumped(?).

~after cooking~

They both sit down at the dinner table, Mei watches Yuzu's face as she tries a pancake. Yuzu's face lights up with happiness.

" it's really good Mei!" Yuzu grins.

" Well you did most of the work.." Mei sighs as she tries a pancake. 

" maybe next time I'll be the one watching you cook" Yuzu says with her mouth stuffed with a pancake.

~Once they finish~

" Mei I'll sleep a little more, wanna lay with me?" Yuzu looks over at Mei.

After some silence she gets a small nod from the younger girl.

" alright I'll be waiting." Yuzu says as she walks into their room.

After some minutes Mei comes in. Yuzu smiles warmly and moves the blanket so Mei could get into the bed with her.

Mei lays down, putting her head on the Blondes chest. She wraps her arms around Yuzu's waist and cuddles closer to her.

Yuzu hugs Mei with one hand and uses the other one to comb her Mei's hair with her fingers to relax Mei.

" I love you Mei."

"I love you too Yuzu."


666 words before I added this 😳🤚🏻

Lmao hope you enjoyed 👁👄👁🤲❤️

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