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I forgot the chapter number/name :)
I just added some spice to the original chapter.

" I'll be gentle.. it's your first time right?" Mei stares at Yuzu.

"̶L̶m̶a̶o̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶1̶0̶"̶  Y̶u̶z̶u̶ ̶s̶m̶i̶r̶k̶s̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶M̶e̶i̶ ̶

Yuzu glares at Mei and pushes her off.

" do you ever think about someone else's feelings?!" Yuzu looks at Mei angrily.

" it's like you only care about yourself!"

Yuzu gets up and grabs a blanket.

" I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. Away from you." Yuzu says before leaving the room.

Mei stares at the ground. ' I don't know how to approach her without annoying her..'. She slips into the bed and hugs Yuzu's pillow.

' maybe I have to do it in a different way?' Mei sighs before falling asleep.


I really didn't know what to do with this one D;

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