Mei's privilege to walk has been taken away.

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"I'll be going to work now girls!" Ume waves and walks out to her work.

"Okay see ya mama!"

" be safe mother."

Yuzu falls on the bed and scrolls on social media.

'finally she's off to work. for a whole two weeks we couldn't do anything.. doesn't help the fact Yuzu banned me from touching her..' Mei thought while reading her book.

Mei sighs and rubs her inner thigh a bit.

"I'll go take a shower" Yuzu grabs clothes and walks to the bathroom, locking the door.

'' Mei groans

Mei shuffles a bit in her seat.

-5 minutes later-

'That's it.'

Mei gets up and goes under the covers of the bed. Slowly, she spreads her legs and brings a hand down to her area. She sticks one finger in slowly.

"mm..." Mei increases her fingers pace and adds another one in.

"Ahh..god..." Mei closes her eyes.

Mei arches her back and moans loudly.

Mei breathes heavily and slowly opens her eyes.

Purple eyes meet green eyes, The purple eyes widened.


"Why didn't you tell me you need to release some stress...Mei.." Yuzu stares into Mei's eyes.

" told me I couldn't touch you." Mei's cheeks turned red and she looked everywhere but at her.

"Yeah.. but I never said anything about me touching you." Yuzu smirks

"Wait that isn't unfai- Ahh!" Mei moans loudly as she felt two intruders enter her.

"Yuzu.. I just came a bit ago.. I'm sensitive- AHh!" Mei arches her back.

" I think I should make up for us not being able to do anything for two weeks...right?" Yuzu slowly takes out her fingers.

'I'm not gonna be able to walks after this.." Mei thinks as she nervously nods.

Yuzu strips Mei down and then herself. Mei reaches her hand out to touch Yuzu, but Yuzu grabs her hand and puts it down.

" don't you remember? you can't touch me." Yuzu smirks.

Yuzu leans down and slides her tongue from Mei's chest to her area.

"Yuzu stop teasing." Mei commands

"Oh? Who do you think you are?" Yuzu goes face to face with Mei.

"I-I'm your little sister and your gonna listen to me since I'm younger." Mei's stern wall fails a bit.

"Well..I think you should listen to the older one.." Yuzu blows into Mei's ear.

"Mmm! Stop blowing into my ear.." Mei whines.

"You talk a little to much.." Yuzu reaches for something that was in their bedside cabinet.

"Close your eyes darling.."

Mei closes her eyes, while fidgeting with her hands.

Yuzu opens Mei's mouth and puts a ball gag in.

Mei's eyes open quickly. "hmmhm?!"

Yuzu smiles down at Mei and starts tying her arms to the head of the bed.(I have no idea what it's called??)

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