"Everything is gonna be okay Mei" -Yuzu

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Please listen to the video when the 💖 pops up :) it will give off the vibe of this whole ending/part.


It's been 1 year now.

She left Yuzu just to inherit the academy. Why didn't she follow her heart and stay with her?


She didn't only hurt Yuzu, but herself too. If she had the confidence she would turn on the school speaker and tell everyone how much she loved Yuzu.

If she had a minute, where everyone all over the world heard what she was saying, she would tell Yuzu that she loved her.

But she didn't have the confidence.

From birth, she was her grandfather's little puppet.


She still had the ring Yuzu have to her. She wore it as a necklace, making sure her grandfather never saw.




Her eyes turn to her 'husband'. His name was Alec. She didn't love him. But she had to marry him in order to get the academy.

" you weren't answering. Are you okay?" Alec looks at her worried.

"I'm fine" Mei's cold voice sends shivers down Alec's spine.

"Anyways.. I didn't think you heard. We have to.. you know.. make a baby." Alec looks away.

Mei just sighs and nods.


"Uh.. I don't know..? We can do it when you're ready.." Alec says.

" alright. I'll being in my room reading." Mei gets up and leaves to her room.

Mei flops down on her bed and opens her book.

'I don't want to have a baby with him..' Mei thinks as she tries to read the words, but her eyes are watery.

'I just want Yuzu...' she starts sobbing.

-2 weeks later-

"Mei.. I'm sorry for reminding you a lot. But you r grandfather wants results in a month.." Alec says

Mei looks at him blankly and starts undressing.

-moments later-

Alec enters himself in Mei.

'It hurts.'

'Why am I doing this to myself.'

Mei closes her eyes and tries to drown out the pain. Alec grabs Mei's hair and pulls it.

'Why is he pulling my hair so harshly..it only felt good when Yuzu did it. She was gentle.' Mei clenches her fists.

'Everything She did was gentle..looked at me gently.. talked with me gently..even when she was teaching me to cook.'

'But it's gone now. The gentle Yuzu you loved is gone. Don't you remember? She :::::: herself. She's gone, I didn't even go to her funeral'


Mei wakes up from her nightmare. She sits up, breathing heavily from shock.

'Please don't be gone-'

She turns to her right. And there Yuzu was. Sleeping calmly unlike the younger girl.

Mei sighs and lays down, facing away from Yuzu.

She starts tearing up, some tears were already sliding down.

She covers her mouth, to not make any noise.

'Why am I crying? That was just a dream and Yuzu is here with me.' Mei puts her face in her pillow to drown her sobs.

She lets out a small whimper. Mei's eyes widen and she freezes.

' don't wake up don't wake up don't wake u-'

💖(play the song)

"Mei?" Yuzu's tired voice appears

" why are you crying teddy bear?" She pulls Mei to herself and hugs her.

Mei hides her face in Yuzu's face and cries more.

"Yuzu.....Yuzu.....Yuzu.....Yuzu..." Mei only manages to say the blondes name.

"Mei.. it's fine I'm here with you, I'm real. I won't be going anywhere." Yuzu hugs Mei tightly.

Mei calms down and wraps her hands around Yuzu. Yuzu starts humming softly and playing with Mei's hair gently.

"...I love you Yuzu." Mei says once her tears start coming to a stop

"I love you too Mei."


Sorry this was pretty short. Just wanted to get something out lol.

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