Normal highschool part 2

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Weeks went by with Mei not bothering Yuzu at all and even helping her sometimes. Yes, everyone was shocked but they knew better then to question Mei.

Thought one day she snapped. And told everyone Yuzu's secret only she knew.. But now the whole school basically knew.

Yuzu had accidentally bumped into Mei while rushing to history class. 

" omg Mei, I'm so sorry!" Yuzu says as she tries to pick up Mei's and hers papers. 


( In this one shot Yuzu's parents are divorced)

Everyone in the halls gasps. Yuzu's eyes widen and she slowly looks up at Mei.  Mei's eyes widen a bit as she realizes what she said. Yuzu tears up and runs out of the school.

Mei bends down, picks up her papers and walks to her class. While walking to class she hears a bunch of people talk.

"Her parents are divorced?"
"Poor girl.."
" do you think they divorced because of her??"
" I wouldn't be surprised if they are divorced because of her."

Mei sits down in her class, fiddling with her skirt. " what have I done.." Mei thinks to herself.  " I'm gonna have to apologize.. and hope she doesn't end "punishing" me.." Mei pays attention to class still fiddling with her skirt.

•Once school is over•

Mei stuffs her homework in her backpack, not caring if the paper rips. She runs outside and suddenly stops. " I don't have her address.." Mei sighs. " I'll just ask himeko.. she knows where everyone lives.."Mei thinks to herself as she takes out her phone.

Once she finds out Yuzu's address she rushes there. She arrives and was about to knock when Ume (Yuzu's mother) opened the door.

" oh Hi! You must be one of Yuzu's friend! Come in" Ume smiles and holds the door open. " I have work, so you guys are alone. Don't burn down the house!" Ume laughs as she walks away.

Mei walks into the house and closes the door. " this is gonna be awkward.." Mei sighs and walks around the house. She finally finds Yuzu's room. She opens the door a bit, enough to see what's inside.  " what's she writing?" Mei thinks as she watches Yuzu write something.  Yuzu looks up and sees Mei.

~Awkward silence~

" what are you doing here." Yuzu says coldly. Mei cringes a bit at the tone. Yuzu sits on the edge of her bed.  " I came here to apologi-  AHHH" Mei shrieks as Yuzu throws her on the bed.  Yuzu goes on top and leans down. " I guess I will have to punish you after all~"  Yuzu whispers.

~a couple moments later~

Yuzu pulls her fingers out halfway and then buried them to the hilt. Again and again, Deeper each time.


Yuzu angled her hand so that the heel of her palm hit Mei's clit with every stroke. 

" do I make you feel good?"

"Fuck," Mei whined. " Yesss.."

Yuzu's thumb pressed down to mash her throbbing clit in small, tight circles.

A desperate moan was torn from Mei's throat as she ground  her hips against Yuzu's hand, trying to chase the friction on her clit that was causing the coil of tension in her core to wind tighter and tighter. She was getting close- just a little more-

Yuzu suddenly took her fingers out, making the younger girl give a broken cry.

Yuzu looked at Mei. Mei was wearing a -you-better-take-care-of-it-right-now- look on her face.

Yuzu leaned down and sealed their lips together.
Yuzu swept her tongue along Mei's  lower lip, the raven haired girl parted her mouth with a small moan. Yuzu gently explored the inside of her lips and even darted a little deeper to touch her teeth.

a needy moan bubbles up from Mei's chest and she opened her mouth wider.  Yuzu's warm tongue slipped inside her moth and pleasure scattered across her senses.  Mei wrapped her hand around the back of Yuzu's  neck, pulling her closer. And she pushed out her own tongue. Their tongues circled each other,slick,warm.

Yuzu's hands were roaming Mei's bare body, stroking her flushed skin, running her hands down her side. Mei moaned against Yuzu's mouth when the blonde's hands found her breasts and squeezed. Yuzu's thumb swiped the hardened nipples back and forth, making tingles shoot down to Mei's stomach.

Mei broke the kiss as her head fell back and a small "hhnnh" fell from her lips.

"Fuck," Mei panted. " Yuzu, please, please." She wasn't sure what she was begging for, just that Yuzu was the one who could give it to her.

Yuzu laid open-mouth kisses on the delicate skin on Mei's neck before gently biting the tender spot right below the pulse point and then sucking.

Mei gasped with pleasure at the sensation of Yuzu biting her neck, she laid her hand on the blondes chest and nudged gently. " Yuzu, no." She whispered tenderly in Yuzu's ear " not right there"

They continued the whole night til morning :)


Sorry I ended it early I wanted to release it since I took a pretty big break. Plus I feel like I'm not the best at writing it

( I tried making it look like it was holding the wine)

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