Christmas oneshot

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Mei shakes Yuzu awake.
" wake up.."
" it's the weekend Mei.." Yuzu groans and turns over.
Mei sighs and puts a strand of hair behind her ear.
" I'll give you a kiss if you get up"
"really?" Yuzu turns over to look at Mei
"Yes but only-"
Yuzu springs up and locks their lips together. She pushes Mei down on the bed and shoves her tongue into her mouth. Mei moans and puts her hands on Yuzus shoulders.
Yuzu stops and sits up. Mei lays there with her hand over her mouth, trying to catch a breath. Yuzu grins.
" I'll go take a shower Mei." Yuzu gets up and walks to  the bathroom.
Mei sighs and gets up. " since when did Yuzu get so confident..?" Mei thinks as she makes their bed.

~10 minutes later~

Yuzu goes out of the bathroom. She walks to their window and looks outside. " Hey Mei! Come look!" Yuzu turns around and smiles.  Mei looks up from her book and walks over. " what is so important-"
" it's snowing! Let's go play outside!" Yuzu beans with happiness. " no we have to-" Mei pauses as Yuzu gives her a sad look. "Alright.. just dress warm.." Mei sighs. Yuzu smiles and hugs Mei tightly. "thank you!"

They both put on some warm clothes and walk outside. They see Harumi and Himeko in a park. Yuzu runs to Harumi while Mei walks slowly to Himeko. " Yuzu! Let's have a snowman contest!"  Harumi challenges Yuzu. " Alright"

They both try to make the best snowman while Mei and Himeko just watch. " they're so immature.." Himeko sighs and shakes her head. Mei hums a yes and continues watching.

When they're done, they both look at each others one and decide which is better. " Harumi, you definitely won this one." Yuzu giggles
" damn right I did! I make the best snowman's" Harumi laughs.

Harumi gasps and whispers something into Yuzus ear. " what do you think happened?" Mei questions
" no idea-" Himeko gets a snowball thrown at her face. Harumi laughs. " you didn't even try to dodge that!- AH!" Harumi dodges Himekos snowball. They start a war while Mei silently watches.

Mei turns her head to Yuzu to see she is  on her knees making something. Mei tilts her head and walks over to Yuzu. " what are you doing?"

Yuzu looks up at Mei and grins. She shows Mei her palm which has a snow bear  on it. Yuzu gets up " I made it for you!"  She puts the snow bear gently In Mei's palm and runs to help Harumi bear Himeko at the snowball fight.

Mei looks at the snow bear and smiles a bit.  She sits down on a bench and continues watching Himeko get beat by Harumi and Yuzu at the snowball fight. She puts down the snow bear next to her

They continue playing until it's time to go home. " Bye Yuzu!" Harumi waves and runs to her house.
" Bye MeiMei!!" Himeko waves and walks away.

Yuzu grabs Mei's hand and they both walk to their house. "You should have joined the snowball fight! It was so much fun" Yuzu says as they walk in through the door. "Maybe I'll join next time.." Mei says as she changes into her pajamas. " Really?"  Yuzu says as she lays down under the covers. " yes." Mei lays down. They sleep, with Mei as the little spoon :)

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