Heather - Conan Gray

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This is a part two (2) to 'A Week?'
I also changed the lyrics slightly for certain spots

I still remember, third of December, me in your sweater.
Mei sighs, Yuzu's  girlfriend was the new student. Her name was Heather. What a pretty name..

You said it looked better on me than it did you.
Mei closes her eyes remembering how Yuzu forced her sweater on her. 'I still have the sweater..'

Only if you knew how much I still loved you
Mei looks at the board, paying attention.

-time skip to lunch-

But I watch you eyes as she walks by.
Yuzu and Mei were talking, since they got assigned for a project. Mei looks at Yuzu's eyes, notching they went away from her to Heather when she walked by.

What a sight for sore eyes.
Mei nods and walks away, almost tearing up. Mei speed walks to the Chairman office and locks the door, throwing herself on the chair.

Brighter than the blue sky.
'She had everything I don't..' Mei puts the photo of her grandfather down and curls up.

She's got you mesmerized while I die.
Mei starts crying, holding the necklace tightly while she cries.

Why would I ever kiss you?
Mei cries even harder, remembering how Yuzu asked what a kiss felt like. 'That's not how a kiss feels at all.. it's supposed to be full of love'

I'm not even half as pretty
'Heather has everything.. pretty hair..beautiful eyes and a stunning body....she even has Yuzu.'

You gave her your sweater. It's just polyester.
Mei closes her eyes tightly, and sees a image of Yuzu putting her sweater on Heather.

But you like her better (wish I were Heather)
Mei let's out a shaky breath.

-after she finished crying, walking to last period.-

Watching as she walks with you, holding your hand.
Mei looks in front of her only to see Yuzu and heather holding hands, walking to last period.

-after school outside-

Put your arm around her shoulder, now I'm getting colder.
Mei shivers as a cold breeze passes by. Mei looks up and frowns slightly as Yuzu puts her arm around Heather.

But how could I  hate her? She's better for you anyway.
Mei looks at he ground again, slowing her pace.

But then again. Kinda wish she were dead as she walks by.
Mei listens to them giggling and talking.

What a sight for sore eyes.
'They look like the perfect couple..'

Brighter than a blue sky.
Mei looks at Heathers eyes, they were a pretty blue.

She's got you mesmerized while I die.
Mei walks inside the apartment, while Yuzu walks Heather home.

Why would I ever kiss you?
Mei throws her school bag to her desk and grabs some clothes.

I'm not even half as pretty
Mei walks to the bathroom, setting her clothes down and locking the door down. Mei turns on hot water and undressed herself.

You gave her your sweater. It's just polyester.
Mei sighs, laying down in the shower and closes her eyes.

But you like her better. (Wish I were Heather)
Mei lowers herself until only her head is above the water.

-time skip to the next day, in the chairman office-

Why would I ever kiss you?
Mei cries even more than yesterday. 'Why am I still crying? Why can I just accept that I'm not Heather!?'

I'm not even half as pretty
Mei imagines herself being Heather, being cuddled by Yuzu, getting kisses from Yuzu,

You gave her you sweather, it's just polyester
Mei's slowly starts falling asleep.

But you like her better wish I were
'Heather..' 'Mei falls asleep.

Do you guys even like these type of one shots?

Should I post a happy ending for this?

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