Shortest chapter ever

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Mei groans from the sunlight in her eyes. She rolls over to try and hug Yuzu. She stretches her arm to try to find Yuzus body.

With her eyes still closed and her arm searching she says " come here I'm cold."

No response

"Yuzu..?" She opens her eyes and sees no one next to her.

'Maybe she's in the kitchen..' Mei gets up slowly and walks to the kitchen. 

She looks around.

No Yuzu in kitchen
No Yuzu in their bedroom
No Yuzu in the living room
No Yuzu anywhere...


No Yuzu anywhere?

Mei eyes widen and she starts running everywhere in the house trying to find her.

Yuzu is no where to be found.

Mei falls on their bed and starts tearing up.

'Did Yuzu leave me?' Mei's tears start slipping down.

-meanwhile where Yuzu is-

She was at a sex store looking at two straps.

'Should I get the size that will pleasure Mei, and she can walk after..or get a bigger size, which means she won't be able to walk after...' Yuzu was debating in her head

"Definitely the one where she won't be able to walk after." She grabs the second one and walks to the cashier.

-the end-


-what happened when she came home-

Yuzu opens the door and looks around.

'Maybe she's still asleep'

She walks into their bedroom and sees Mei crying. "Mei?! What happened."

Mei looks up and cries even harder. " I'm sorry!"

Yuzu blinks. "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry for whatever I did!"

Yuzu sits down and places Mei on her lap. "Mei calm down and explain what happened."

Mei starts taking deep breaths.

"I woke up and didn't see you in the house, so I thought you left me forever." Mei hugs Yuzu tightly.

Yuzu laughs.  "Mei I was just at the store"

Mei sighs. "Then go when I'm awake. Not asleep."

"Alright Mei." Yuzu smiles.

"Now get back into bed. I'm cold and want to cuddle." Mei slips under the blanket.

"Yes my princess" Yuzu chuckles and goes under the blanket.

She hugs Mei tightly.

Mei snuggles into Yuzu and tucks her head under Yuzus.

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