Santa came early

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Ume was away from home, leaving two of the girls alone on Christmas night.


"Yeah Mei?" Yuzu looks up from her magazine.

"I'll be going in the bedroom, don't come in until I tell you. Got it?" Mei stares down at Yuzu slightly.

"Mhm!" Yuzu smiles.

Mei nods and walks into their bedroom.

-6 mins later-

"Yuzu. Come in!" Mei shouts from their bedroom.

"Coming Mei!"

Yuzu gets up and walks to their bedroom. Opening the door, her eyes widen at the sight.

Mei was wearing a revealing Santa outfit. But the most alluring thing was that Mei was concentrated on making herself cum. Soft pants were heard from the younger girl. Mei arches her back and comes all over her fingers.

"M-merry Christmas.." Mei moans out.

Yuzu walks over to Mei and sits on top of her. " you must be really confident, thinking I'll go easy on you just because you came already once. "

Mei sweat drops.

"Maybe-" Yuzu was about to suggest something.

"Since it's Christmas..I'll do whatever you want." Mei looks at her ring as if it's the most interesting thing in the world about now.

Yuzu slightly frowns. " are you sure? I don't want you doing things you don't want."

Mei shakes her head " no really, plus I can just tell you if I'm uncomfortable with it."

"Alright.. but the moment you feel uncomfortable you tell me. No kidding" Yuzu sits down on the edge of the bed and gestures for Mei to sit on her lap.

Mei sits down on Yuzus lap and waits.

" Mei.. I want you to pound yourself on my fingers until you have to close your legs from how good it feels." Yuzu props up two fingers for Mei.

Meis whole face turned red. 'I'm dead'

"Or are you to much of a pussy to do it?" Yuzu smirks

"I'm not a pussy!" Mei lifts herself up and goes on the fingers.

Mei starts to bounce herself on Yuzu's fingers. Her legs were already shaking.

""  Mei's eyebrows were furrowed.

" look so damn cute, concentrating on making yourself release.." Yuzu purposely drags out Mei's name, knowing that Mei likes it.

Yuzu uses her free hand to grope Mei's ass. Mei moans out loudly when Yuzu grabs her ass firmly.

"I'm..hah..getting close" Mei legs started closing together a little.

Mei felt herself squeeze Yuzu's fingers.


Yuzu catches Mei in a passionate kiss. Slowly moving her fingers to help Mei come down from her high.

Mei breaks the kiss and heavily breathes.

"Pu-put your fingers there again.." Mei's ear turn pink.

Yuzu places her fingers in the same spot, but this time has three fingers up.

Mei lowers herself down and starts moving slowly. 

Yuzu uses her free hand to pulls Mei closer to her. Mei increases her pace.

"Hah..mmh.." Mei lays her forehead on Yuzus shoulder.

"Yuzzzuu.." Mei's pace was getting faster.

"You're so damn pretty when you look like this." Yuzu whispers into Mei's ear.

Mei doesn't respond at all, she was too focused on her goal.

Yuzu starts moving her fingers, to help Mei out. Mei's eyes widen for a second before moaning loudly.

"Mmm.. Yuzu I'm gonna come." Mei's grip on Yuzus shoulder gets stronger.

" you can't come until I give you permission, got it princess?" Yuzu smirks

"Ah-huh.." Mei nods, squeezing her legs together a bit.

Yuzu starts thrusting her fingers in deeper, also increasing the pace.

Not even a second later, Mei comes on Yuzu's fingers.

"Mei.. you came without permission ..I'll have to punish you." Yuzu lays Mei on the bed.

Mei gulps at the sight of all the  sex toys she has.

Moans and (very pleasured) screams were heard all night long


Ho ho ho and I'm not talking about my teacher-

Merry Christmas

Eat lots of food (?? Help idk what I'm doing)

Sorry that it was pretty short lmao

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