Mei needs to stop reading horror books

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This takes place on the Christmas night.

Yayayaya another Christmas one shot .. sorta.

'When is she gonna get home..' Mei looks up from her book to the door.

'She's 10 minutes late.. what if something happened..? What if she got kidnapped- what if she hurt herself- what if-' Mei continue thinking about all the possibilities.

Mei shakes her head. " I need to stop worrying.. she's just late nothing bad.." Mei says out loud and walks to their bedroom.

She lays down in the bed and puts the blanket over her body, continuing her reading.

~ten minutes later~

Mei looks up from her horror book once she hears the door being unlocked.

' wait no- what if someone broke in- what if someone hurt Yuzu and stole the keys-' Mei's eyes widen.

Mei throws the blanket over her head and stays as still as she can.

The door closes and the footsteps get closer to their bedroom door.

Mei squeezes her eyes shut and puts a hand over her mouth to not let any noises out.

The person opens their bedroom door and walks somewhere before placing something down.

' no no no no no no no to the no no no' Mei tears up a bit.

Someone lifts up the blanket a bit enough to see Mei's face.

" eh? Mei are you alright?" Yuzu asks with a worried expression.

Mei opens her eyes and looks at Yuzu.


Mei closes her eyes and cries.

" wait? Mei why are you crying?!" Yuzu immediately goes into protective mode and hugs Mei.

Yuzu slips into the bed with Mei and hugs her tightly.

"I was scared because *hiccup* I was left alone for a *hiccup* long time, without anyone. I thought something happened to you" Mei turns to Yuzu and hugs her back.

" and then, the door was opening so I thought someone was breaking in." Mei hides her face in Yuzu's chest.

Yuzu sighs. " Mei you're so silly sometimes. I would never let anything happen to me or you."

She plays with Mei's hair in a calming way. " maybe take a small break from the horror books?"

Mei nods her head a bit.

" once you calm down.. wanna eat snacks and watch a movie? I bought lots."

" yes.."

" oh yeah, I bought a present for you."

Yuzu grabs the bag still keeping contact with Mei and takes a teddy bear.

Yuzu puts the teddy bear between them and looks at Mei for a reaction.

Mei peeks out from Yuzus chest and looks at the teddy bear.

Mei takes the bear quickly and hugs it. Mei hides her face in Yuzus chest again.

Yuzu giggles, " Mei you're so cute.". Mei mumbles something and cuddles into Yuzu more.

" I'm guessing you just wanna cuddle and snack?" Yuzu grins.

"Mhm.." Mei hugs the teddy bear tighter.

Yuzu opens a pocky packet. She puts one end in her mouth and pokes the other one gently against Mei's cheek.

"hmm..?" Mei looks up and sees the other end. She takes the other end into her mouth. She breaks a part of it and eats it.

"Mei...." Yuzu groans

Mei puts the blanket over her head.

Yuzu blinks " eh?"

She lifts the blanket but Mei's hand immediately closes the hole.

" can we just stay like this? Please?" Mei whispers

" sure"


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