What happens after

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This is a part two for "Mei gets punished"
Just wanna say a small thing, always respect your partner. (If you have one lmao)

Yuzu kisses Mei's cheek and gets up.

" I'll go to the kitchen and make food for us Kay?" Yuzu says as she slips some shorts and a hoodie on.

"Uhm.. can you help me walk? I want to take a bath.." Mei mumbles

" oh yeah." Yuzu walks to Mei and picks her up. She walks to the bathroom and sits her on the edge of the bath.

" I'll bring your clothes in a second." Yuzu says while walking out.

Yuzu comes back and places the clothes. " give me a shout if you need help with anything."

Yuzu walks into the kitchen to make food.

Mei slides into the bath once it's filled with hot water. Mei let's out a relaxed sigh and has a small smile on her face.

'That felt amazing... they way she touched me..I love her.'

'But does she love you?'


'Does. she. love. you?'

'Of course she does. She's told me it a lot'

'She's using you for your body. She doesn't love you.'

'What? No she loves me. She wouldn't use me for my body. She loves me. I know that.'

'She's like everyone else.. she's using you for your money.

'no..she loves me. She doesn't care about money. She only cares that I'm safe'

'She doesn't love you She doesn't love you She doesn't love you She doesn't love you She doesn't love you She doesn't love you'

'she doesn't love me?'

'she lied to me..'

'I need to break up with he-'

"Mei!" Yuzu shouts as she pulls Mei from the water.

Mei gasps and looks around. " what's wrong?!"

" I should be asking that! You weren't answering and then I see you almost drowning you idiot!" Yuzu hugs Mei tightly.

Mei blinks and looks at Yuzu.

" Yuzu.. do you love me." Mei fidgets with her hands

Yuzu sits up and looks at Mei.

" Mei. Why would I do everything I do for you if I didn't love you? And I think after all of that time in bed it makes it clear. I. Love. You." Yuzu stares Mei straight in the eyes.

Yuzu grabs Mei's face and places her lips on Mei's.  Yuzu breaks the kiss and smiles.

" how about I give you a massage?"  Yuzu says as she gets into the bathtub.

Mei blushes and nods.

Yuzu places Mei on her lap and starts working on her shoulders.

Mei closes her eyes and leans more into Yuzu.

Yuzu places a small kiss on Mei's neck and starts massaging Mei's waist.

- once they're done-

Yuzu slips on her clothes while Mei stayed in a bit longer.

"I'll go warm up food" Yuzu smiles and walks to the kitchen.

Mei nodded and started getting out. She looks at the clothes and smiles.

'Of course she gives me her hoodie'

She puts on Yuzu's hoodie and a pair of pants. She walks into the room and slips under the blanket.

She was waiting for Yuzu to tell her to go to the kitchen, so she could eat.

'Yuzu's a good cook..I wonder if she'll want to teach me.'

Mei looks up as Yuzu opens the door, with two plates of food on a food tray.

"I hope you know we're not gonna eat in bed-" Mei sits up.

"Calm down Mei. I'll clean everything."

Mei sighs.

Yuzu puts the food tray between them and they start eating.

~after eating~

After they finish eating they lay in bed cuddling. Mei was reading a book while Yuzu was scrolling through
social media.

Mei looks up from her book and watches Yuzu scroll through for a bit, before she gets a text.

Yuzu clicks on the message.

Harumin: wanna hangout? 👀
Yuzu: lmao sorry no I'm busy 👺🔪
Harumin: aww. Fine later 🐷🖕🏻

-end of texting-

'Jesus Christ what's with the emojis' Mei wonders

The end 🍷🎄⚰️

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