Yuzu is too adorable

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Warning: I have no idea what happens in Harry Potter. Fight me. I don't read
Yuzu was about to go on her phone before she saw what book Mei was reading.

'Harry Potter?'

"Heya Mei. What's the book about?" Yuzu sits down next to Mei on the bed.

"Hm? The book is about wizards that's all." Mei answers

" can I know what you have read so far?" Yuzu tries to peek at the book.

Mei starts explaining what she has read. The more far on she starts explaining the more she looks excited, her deep purple eyes shine with excitement and does cute hand gestures.

Yuzu smiles and continues listening. Mostly not understanding what the heck is going on, but is happy that Mei is excited.

Mei rambles on until bedtime and then they both fall asleep.

-the next day-

'Yuzu has been ignoring me the whole day...did I do something wrong? Oh.. it's probably the whole Harry Potter book..she probably thinks I'm boring.'

Mei frowns a bit and continues working on her homework.

-Yuzu continues "ignoring" Mei until Friday-

Yuzu crawls up to Mei who was reading in bed.


"Why were you ignoring me." Mei doesn't let Yuzu even get a single word out of her mouth.

"Huh? Oh god Mei I wasn't trying to ignore you. I was just doing something." Yuzu hugs Mei.

Mei stays still.

Yuzu sighs. " jeez Mei.."

" I was just making a gift for your birthday tomorrow.." Yuzu kisses Mei's forehead.

Mei tilts her head " a gift?"

" here. You can look at it early." Yuzu reaches under the bed and takes a bag out.

Mei still confused, grabs the bag and opens it.

" I was busy the whole week because I was going to the areas where the author was signing books, I got him/her to sign all the books." Yuzu smiles

Mei's eyes widen.

" I also got the new book that came out yesterday, signed too."

" I hope you don't mind I read all of the books, I want to know what the heck is going on when you talk about it." Yuzu grins

Mei stays silent

' owiwowhhahdo. How?! It's literally impossible?!"

"Do you not like it?" Yuzu's disappointed voice brings her back.

Mei shakes her head.

" no no! I like it I'm just super shocked, it's literally impossible to get them signed" Mei

" and the fact that you also read all of them in one week is also surprising" Mei looks at Yuzu.

" well I'm happy that you like it" Yuzu grins and hugs Mei tightly.

Mei hugs Yuzu back and smiles a bit too.

They somehow get in a conversation, about Harry Potter. And yet again Mei looks super happy and excited.

"I'm so glad I did this.. this is the most happiest I have ever seen her.'

Mei continues rambling but slowly starts falling asleep and her words slow down.

" Mei. Let's go to sleep and continue later" Yuzu lays Mei down and wraps her arms around her.

"Mmm...ok..ay.." She sleepily replies.

" I love you Mei." Yuzu giggles at Mei.

" I..wub..you..too..." Mei falls asleep with a smile on her face.

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