Mei gets punished

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I'm not good at titles lmao
(It's their first time in this chapter) ____________________________________

Yuzu was wandering around since Mei had a work appointment or something boring like that.

Yuzu saw a cafe and went into it, to get a drink. Yuzu sat down with her drink and saw a cute couple. A handsome guy and a pretty girl- Wait . That's  Mei.

Yuzu sighs and continues drinking her coffee, waiting for Mei to finish so she can surprise her.

-5 mins later-

Mei and the guy stand up and talk for a second. Before the guy hugs her and kisses on the cheek.

Yuzu's eyes widen.

'What the fuck.' 

Yuzu walks up behind Mei and places her hand on Mei's  shoulder.

"Hm?" Mei turns around and her eyes widen when she sees Yuzu.

" nice appointment there." Yuzu smiles and her grip on Mei's shoulder gets stronger.

" Yuzu wait-"  Mei shrieks as Yuzu picks her up bridal style.

Everyone turns around to see where the shriek came from. They see Yuzu holding Mei, walking out of the cafe.


"Quiet." Yuzu says in a stern voice,making Mei freeze at the sudden tone.

Some minutes later they arrive at the apartment and go into their room.

Yuzu throws Mei onto the bed and goes to grab something from a drawer. Mei stays silent and fidgets with her fingers.

Yuzu comes back and grabs Mei's hands and ties them with a rope to the bed.

"Y-Yuzu what are you doing." Mei struggles against the rope.

"Calm down kitty.." Yuzu whispers into Mei's ear.

"W-what? Kitty?" Mei's eyes widen once she sees Yuzu taking off her shirt. Yuzu ties her shirt around Mei's head as a blindfold.

" Yuzu don't do anything you will regret" Mei says in a stern tone.

"Trust me I'll regret nothing.." Yuzu mumbles.

Mei lays there, without feeling anyone or anything touching her.

"Yuzu- ahh.." Mei moans as Yuzu licks her ear.

" you can be as loud as you want... Mom is on a week trip." Yuzu licks a spot on Mei's shoulder before biting it.

"Ahhh!" Mei moans loudly and arches her back.

Yuzu takes Mei's shirt off and throws it away from them. Yuzu leans down and places a rough kiss on Mei's lips.

Yuzu bites Mei's bottom lip to gain access to the inside of her mouth but Mei denies. Yuzu plays with Mei's ear so Mei moans.

Yuzu kisses Mei roughly, exploring every corner of her mouth.

Mei can barley keep up and is starting to lose her breath.

"Yu-mm..Yuzu I-..mmm.." Mei tries to speak but continues getting silenced.

Yuzu breaks the kiss and looks at Mei. Mei's breathing heavily with a bit of saliva on her chin. Yuzu takes of Mei's bra, freeing Mei's boobs.

"W-wait" Mei breathes out.

"Hm..?" Yuzu traces her finger around Mei's nipple.

"P-please be gentle" Mei blushes.

Yuzu makes a sound of acknowledgement. Yuzu pinches Mei's nipple gently while wrapping her tongue around the other one.

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