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Mei is a quiet girl while Yuzu is the nice popular girl

I walked into the room and then I saw your face.
Mei walks into the room and sees Yuzu talking with Harumi.

You looked me in the eye and then I wanted to erase myself.
Yuzu looks over at Mei and shrugs, going back to talking with Harumin.

Erase myself.
Mei blushes slightly and runs over to Himeko.

I didn't wanna fall but then I stepped right in.
Mei slowly falls in love with Yuzu everyday.

I looked down at the ground and then I felt it right within.
Mei looks at the ground.

It was too late for me(too late for her)
Mei sighs, looking over to Yuzu. who was heading to her desk.

You took a step forward and tilted your head.
"Wanna be partners for the project?" Yuzu smiles gently.

With a curious glance, you stared and I felt dead.
Mei's eyes widen slightly

Oh my god, I think I'm dying
'She wants to be my partner?!' Mei screams in her head. Mei nods nervously.

-next day-

You said hey and I said hello
"Hey Mei." Yuzu waves to Mei.
"hello.." Mei waves slightly.

what's your name? I'd really like to know about you.

Too bad I stopped at hello
Mei sits down in her seat.

I just stared and you grinned
Mei was staring at Yuzu unconsciously. Yuzu grins, followed by a small giggle.

and looked right back it felt like just one big whirlwind.
Yuzu stares back at Mei, in a teasing way.

One big emotional whirlwind.
Mei looks away embarrassed.

-some days later-

Over the next few days, we got to talking
Mei and Yuzu have been talking more and more together.

With every single word I started falling farther farther and farther for you.
"Haha, you looked so funny when you did that." Yuzu laughs.

You were so witty and so charming. Swept me off my feet.
Mei trips, almost hitting the ground before Yuzu catches her. "You good Mei?" Yuzu jokingly winks at Mei.

You made me laugh, you made me blush.
"Mei look at Me!" Yuzu does something funny, which makes Mei fall into a fit of laughter.

No one could compete ( no one could compete)
Himeko does the same thing hoping to get a reaction. Mei looks at Himeko blankly.

It seemed to good to be true (it was too good to be true)
Mei gasps silently as she looks at what she drew  in her notebook. It was her and Yuzu kissing in the rain. Before anyone could see, she crumples it and throws it away.

I wanted to be with you ( and only with you)
Mei was daydreaming in class about her and Yuzu spending time.

We clicked like legos it the clacking of tap shoes.
'Since the first day we met, we have been great..friends..'

-next day-

You said hey I said, hello
"Hey Mei." Yuzu waves to Mei.
"hello.." Mei waves slightly.

how was your day? You said better now, with a smile.
"How is your day?" Mei questions. "Better now" Yuzu smiles.

Oh what a cliché, but to be honest, it made my day.
Mei rolls her eyes jokingly while blushing.

I didn't wanna fall, but then I stepped right in.
Mei  falls in love with Yuzu more and more everyday.

I looked up at your eyes and those eyes, they drew me in.
Mei looks up from her desk and sees Yuzu standing next to her, looking up at her eyes she smiles a bit.

It was too late for me
' I fell in love too far. I can't back out all of a sudden like I don't have feelings.' Mei sighs

And that's what we were a simple cliché
Mei watches Yuzu go talk to another girl, that is way prettier than her.

It wasn't made to work but I wouldn't have it any other way ( any other way)
Mei puts her head on the desk again.

You were so witty and so charming, swept me off my feet.
Mei remembers the time Yuzu caught her, blushing and looking over at her.

You made me laugh, you made me blush oh no one could compete (no one could compete)
Mei frowns slightly when she remembers the moment Himeko tried to copy Yuzu.

you made me laugh, you made me blush oh, no one could compete( no one could compete)
Mei giggles as she watches Yuzu do something funny.

-end of the day-

It seemed to good to be true (it was too good to be true)
Yuzu was walking Mei home with a umbrella sine she forgot one and it was raining.

I wanted to be with you (and only with you)
Mei looks at Yuzu with her eyes and moves closer to her.

We clicked like legos or the clacking of rap shoes.
Mei and Yuzu talked about random stuff they enjoyed Harrp Potter, roblox, Minecraft.

-next day-
-Mei's daydream-

You said hey I said, hello, I gotta know do you feel this way?
"Heya Mei!" Yuzu waves to Mei. Mei walks to Yuzu and stops in front of her. "Hello.. I gotta know do you feel the same way about me?"

You said yeah, I do but I was scared of what you might say.
Yuzu blushes "yeah..I was scared of what you were gonna say"

And that's all we were a silly cliché
Mei tries to kiss Yuzu but was too short. Yuzu giggles "shortie" Yuzu bends down and places a kiss on Mei's lips softly.

I still think you're cute. Just maybe it's better this way.
Mei breaks the kiss and looks away, pouting.


"Mei!" The teachers shouts. Mei breaks away from her daydream, "yes?". "Pay attention in class" The teacher grumbles before continuing the lesson.

That's okay we're just a little cliché
Mei sighs, putting in earbuds since there was a minute of class left.

A little cliché but that's okay
The class gets dismissed. Mei waits for everyone to leave, then she leaves alone.

Mei looks at the ground, 'I need to let go of my feelings.'

"Mei!" Yuzu runs up to Mei. Mei snaps her head to Yuzu, surprised. "What are you doing here?" Mei tilts her head in confusion.

"I- I wanted to tell you something." Yuzu blushes madly. Mei nods as in continue. Yuzu takes a deep breath.

"I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend..I also saw that picture you drew of us." Yuzu looks Mei straight in the eyes.

"Eh..?" Mei's whole face turns red. "W-wait you wanna be my girlfriend?!" Mei eyes widen. Yuzu nods. "I thought you wanted to be with that other girl!"

Yuzu shakes her head. " I don't like that girl at all. I only like you."  Yuzu puts Mei's chin up with a finger and places a kiss.

Yuzu breaks the kiss and looks at Mei. "You kissed me.." Mei faints and falls backwards. "Huh?! Don't die yet!" Yuzu catches Mei.

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