Yuzu stripper 🌝🤚🏻

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(Harumin is he only one that knows Yuzu is a stripper, and is good friends with Mei too.)

Harumin noticed that Mei has been stressed lately and decided to take her out on a girls night out.

" Can you tell me where we are going..?" Mei says calmly, but slightly panicking inside cause she has a blindfold to cover her eyes.

" Nope not yet," Harumin opens a door and the smell of Alcohol hit Harumin's and Mei's. They walk inside and Harumin takes of the blindfold.

" oh god.. Harumin..." Mei groans

" it'll be fine! Just stay near me" Harumin grabs Mei's hand and drags her to a stage.

They all stand and wait until they hear a man speak through speakers. 

   " Hello Hello! Ladies and Gentleman! Tonight we have our Favorite One here! She can be innocent and the next second dominate you!" 

   Everyone starts cheering and screaming. Mei covers her ears slightly, while Harumi looks super excited.

   " Alright calm down ladies and gentlemen.. or else there's  gonna be no rewards~" A Female voice comes out behind the curtains and then suddenly changes into a deeper female voice

(I'm so sorry lmao)

     Then she comes out. Yuzu walks out in underwear and a jacket on top. Mei eyes widen as she stares at her.

  "6 pack.. strong arms.. hair down... thighs.. sharp jawline...hawt.." Mei thinks as she drools a bit but quickly wipes it away. Harumi giggles a bit at Mei's reaction.  

   Sexual music starts playing loudly and Yuzu starts to (idk what to call it 😭) dancing on the pole(???)

Yuzu looks over at Harumins side and winks at her. Mei continues staring at Yuzu, like she's hypnotized.

Yuzu pulls a guy up on the stage and pulls him close to her. She whispers something into his ear while caressing his cheek.

" Y-yes Ma'am.." he stutters while zipping down her jacket. Once it's unzipped he goes to his original spot. Yuzu throws it off her and continues dancing

" what did she say to him...? I wish that was me.." Mei thinks as she watched him take of Yuzu's jacket.

" Sorry not sorry Yuzu" Harumi thinks while laughing quietly.

Yuzu looks at Mei and looks surprised a bit, her face immediately turns back to normal and winks at Mei. Mei's eyes widen and blushes a bit.

" having fun yet?" Harumi whispers to her. Mei turns red and nods a bit.

~ Minutes later Yuzu is done~

" Have a Goodnight everyone!" Yuzu waves to everyone and walks off stage. Yuzu walks to her boss and takes the pay check.

" you did really great today Yuzu!" The man pats her on the back.

"Thanks, though I won't do anymore today, I'm tired and I have to get home." Yuzu says

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