The New Substitute

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Haha no, this isn't the spicy one. Boys and girls are in this school but it's still strict and blah blah. Yuzu is aged up to 22.

Mei was heading to her 3rd period of the day, she looks around and hears a group of guys talking "I tell you! The new substitute is hot! I heard she's staying for a while so that's great!" The leader of their 'group' grins.

'A new substitute..? I wonder for which period.' Mei shrugs, walking to her class. Sitting down in her seat, she notices the class is full and there's no teacher.

-5minutes later-

"Sorry I was late class. I had to do something." The substitute walks in. Mei looks at the substitute once she's in front of the board.

"I'm Miss Okogi, or Yuzu I don't care if you call me by my first name. Since I had to come on such a short notice, I wasn't able to get anything ready. So for today we will have a free day." Yuzu writes her name in the corner of the board.

"Uh..Miss Okogi..? I think you have something on your shoulders." Harumi tries to hold in a giggle. Yuzu blinks looking at her shoulders, seeing a black cat hanging on her like a scarf that isn't tied.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to introduce him. This is Mr.purrfect, he's my emotional support cat" Yuzu points to the cat.

"Say hi Mr.purrfect." Yuzu looks at Mr.purrfect. "Meow." The cat meows, making everyone  'aww' at it.

'' Tsk... she's so irresponsible and not a good teacher.' Mei sighs.

"Alright like I said, today is a free day. If you guys want to watch a  movie, vote for one and I'll turn it on. If you need help with homework or anything come up to me."  Yuzu sits down in her seat.

Mei sighs again, grabbing some homework and working on it.

-10 minutes later-

" Miss Okogi we decided on a movie" A random girl walks up to Yuzu. Yuzu looks up from her work, "alright what's the movie?" ... "50 shades of gray" the girl replies before running to her desk.

(Before you say anything. I don't know anything spicy that isn't in anime. I'm 99% sure there isn't a movie about that but whatever lmao)

Mei shoots her head up. 'Isn't that a inappropriate movie?' Mei blinks.

-movie starts-

'Wtf she's actually playing it?' Mei blushes slightly.

-another time skip cause I said so.. middle of movie-

Mei feels something push her leg gently. She thought it was just a student, she continues to do her homework. Feeling little claws on her she looks down, shrieking once she sees Mr.purrfect.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry, I didn't notice he snuck away." Yuzu rushes over and picks up the cat. "It's alright..he just frightened me a bit." Mei puts a hand over her chest.

Yuzu walks to her desk, with mr.purrfect.   Mei sighs ' that was terrifying'.  Mei tries to focus on her work but she couldn't, looking up slowly she looks at Yuzu.  'She's so beautiful..' Mei lays her head on her hand while looking at Yuzu. 

Yuzu looks up as she feels someone staring at her. She looks at Mei, winking getting Mei to blush. Mei looks back at her work, blushing. 'What a hot-irresponsible teacher..'.  Sighing she goes back to working on her homework.


Mei struggles to get the teacher off of her. The teacher stops when he hears a camera flash. "Hey fucktard. I think the Chairman will have a great time looking at you forcibly kissing his granddaughter." Yuzu walks over to him.

(I dont remember his name but for now is gonna be chad.)

Chad tries to throw a punch at Yuzu, but Yuzu easily dodges it and kicks him in the knee. Causing Chad to fall and hold his knee, she puts her foot on his jawline and pushes his head up. "If I ever see you doing that again, I'll be the last person you see before you die." Yuzu glares at him.

'Oh god..that's so cool..' Mei blinks, looking at their interaction.

Yuzu takes off her foot off of him and walks over to Mei. " let's go." Grabbing Mei gently by the shoulder she leads her away.

"Uhm.. thank you." Mei mumbles.

"It's nothing. I'll make sure he gets fired." Yuzu stuffs her hands into her pockets.

-the next week-

Mei slumps down in her seat. It was third period, her favorite class because of the teacher. ' I heard a lot of kids are asking her out.. that doesn't help the fact that I like her. You know what? Im gonna stop being a pussy and ask her out at the end of school!'

Mei sits up straighter and pays attention to Yuzu. 'God thoughts are not letting me pay attention.'

Mei lays her head on her arms, still looking forward.
'Her hands felt so soft when she grabbed me by the shoulder..they even look soft. And on the first day when she winked at me..her eyes are so..gentle they're like a forest I wouldn't mind getting lost in.'

"Aihara!" Yuzu's voice startles Mei and she sits up straight. "I've been calling on you for a good minute now. Please pay attention." Yuzu taps on her desk two times before going back to the board.

'Oh god..she didn't look happy..' Mei leans her head on her hand, slightly frowning.

-at lunch-

"Mei-Mei you looked sad during third period. Is everything okay?" Himeko looks at Mei concerned.

"Yes I'm alright. I'm just a bit stressed at the load of work." Mei brushes Himeko off and eats her food.

-at the end of day-

'Everyone already left. Only me and Yuzu are the only ones left in school. This is my chance' Mei gets up from her seat and and speed walks to Yuzu's classroom.

She stops in front of the door, preparing herself. 'Alright. Let's do it.' Mei opens the door.

"Miss Okogi?" Mei stays in the door way. Yuzu looks up "what's up Aihara?".

'It's now or never.' Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.. "I like you!"


"Is this what you were worried about in my class?" Yuzu raises an eyebrow. Mei nods, her eyes tightly shut.

Yuzu gets up quietly and walks over to Mei. Slightly bending down she places a kiss on Mei's forehead. "Alrighty But you have to keep it a secret. I don't wanna get in trouble"

Mei opens her eyes and looks up at Yuzu,  "..can I have a real..kiss?". Yuzu smirks and places a kiss on Mei's lips. Yuzu breaks the kiss,  going back to her original height.

"I like you too..teddybear."

I gave up at the end :D kinda :D

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