Mei gets jealous

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Lmao I didn't know what to name it 😭
Earlier the day...

Mei was at the grocery store getting ingredients so Yuzu can make food.

'I wonder what she's gonna make.. you can't tell with these ingredients..'

Mei looks to her side and sees a girl.

She was skinny, had brown hair and blue eyes. She also had a good vibe. They type of girl guys or girls usually go crazy for.

She looks at the girls hoodie, and sees it's one of Yuzu's old hoodies she always wore in pictures when she was younger.


Mei taps the girls shoulder, and the girl immediately looks over

" is something wrong?" Her voice sounded like honey.

" yeah kinda... is that Yuzu's hoodie?" Mei points at the hoodie.

"Hmm..? Oh. You must be Yuzu's new girlfriend. Nice to meet you." She holds her hand out to shake.

Mei stares at the hand and looks back up at the girl. The girl just smiles nervously and puts her hand back down.

" I'm Nami, I'm Yuzu's ex. And yeah, I kinda forgot to give the hoodie to her." Nami rubs her neck

"Oh.." Mei mumbles

" it was nice talking to you. But I have to go" Nami waves and spins around, walking away.

Present time

A voice distracts her from thinking.

Yuzu wraps her arms around Mei and looks at the work.

"Whatcha working on?"

Mei sighs " my student council work."

" you haven't moved your pencil for some minutes now.. are you worried about something?" Yuzu taps Mei on the nose.

" you have a ex?" Mei questions as she rubs the ring on her finger.

" yeah but I don't love her anymore" Yuzu unwraps her hands and starts playing with Mei's hair.


"..wait are you jealous?" Yuzu grins.

Even more silence

"Mei it's fine to be jealous." Yuzu wraps her hands around Mei again.

" why does she have your hoodie?" Mei grips onto one of  Yuzu's  hand.

'Ouch. She's literally crushing my hand'  Yuzu cries on the inside.

" I gave it to her once and I guess I forgot to ask for it back." Yuzu was about to kiss Mei on the cheek but Mei moves away.

Yuzu blinks.

Mei has her head hanging down with her hands in her lap.  Yuzu frowns and spins the chair around.

She squats down and looks at Mei.

Mei has some tears threatening to spill and she's fidgeting with her hands.

"Mei...why are you crying"  Yuzu speaks softly as she holds Mei's hands in her own.

Mei continues staring at her lap. Only giving Yuzu silence.

" Mei please tell me." Yuzu puts a small kiss on Mei's hand.

" can I say it when you're not looking at me?" Mei whispers quietly.

Yuzu smiles and nods.

Yuzu stands up and turns around.

Mei takes a deep breath.

"I saw your ex at the grocery store today.. I saw how she looked more pretty than me. I'm guessing she was your first love. Then she also had your hoodie, which made me jealous cause your ex is wearing your hoodie and I'm not." Mei fidgets with the end of her shirt.

Yuzu turns around and squats down again.

" Mei. Like I already told you, I don't love her anymore. Sure she is my first love but you'll be my last. And for the hoodie part.."  Yuzu takes off her hoodie and slips it onto Mei.

" Next time I see her, I'll ask for my hoodie back." Yuzu hugs Mei tightly and picks her up bridal style.

Mei shrieks and quickly hugs Yuzu around the neck, out of fear that she's gonna fall.

" Yuzu I swear if you drop me.." Mei glares at her

Yuzu grins and acts like she's about to drop Mei. Mei's eyes widen and her grip around Yuzus neck becomes stronger.

Mei shrieks as Yuzu drops Mei to her waist but catches her before falling too far.

" Yuzu!" 

" Yes Mei?" Yuzu smiles innocently.

Mei let's out a huff of annoyance and looks away from Yuzu.

" Aww.. Mei I'm sorry. I was just joking around." Yuzu sits down on the bed and puts Mei in her lap.

Mei sighs and hugs the S̶t̶u̶p̶i̶d̶ ̶ blonde.

" I love you.." Mei mumbles before falling asleep.


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