Why does it have to be Marinette?

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Marinette yawned as she stretched her arms. She just woke up and she's ecstatic. Why?

'Adrien's picking me up at 10!'

She have a date. She took a quick glance on her alarm clock , '8:30 a.m.'.

Let's just get up and get ready Marinette!

She got up and took her last piece of towel that Alya and Nino left in Alya's house considering that they're going to move out this evening. Giving Marinette a little frown. It's not that she's unhappy to leave the house.

'I won't have much time with Adrien if I'm going to help Alya and Nino. But nevermind , we'll go out more if this date turned out wonderful,' she thought.

After she walked into the bathroom , she heard a knock on the door. It's her housemate, Alya.

"Hey , girl. I'm coming in!"

Alya walks into the bedroom and she saw Marinette peeking through the bathroom door.

"Aha, getting up earlier huh?"

Marinette winked and they break into laughter.

After they settled down laughing , Marinette quickly went back into bath. Alya wiped her teary eyes and said , "You better be quick, I'm leaving! I have work today. And everything is prepared, breakfast, umm , I think you're having it with your date , right?" she said in a teasing tone and smirked causing a blushing bluenette in the bathroom.

"And , I left the keys on the dining table. Don't forget to lock the doors later! Bye , I love you , goodluck for your date!" Alya rushed out and drove off to the cinema with Nino.


Done bathing , Marinette got in a pretty cream blouse with a pastel pink knee-length skirt.

She's beaming with excitement as she hopped downstairs. Not forgetting her phone , she sat on a sofa while scrolling through her social media.

Suddenly , a message from an unknown number popped up on her screen.

'Weird , where'd this person got my number?'

She tried to think positive that it's actually ads from some random company.

She's very wrong. When she anxiously opened her inbox , her eyes started welling up with tears.

It says ,

"If you want your boyfriend, Adrien Agreste to be safe , you better come out of that house of yours. -CB"

Without hesitation, she quickly ran outside only to see a guy with a tough build , wearing all black.

And then , everything became black.


Adrien drove his car to the Cesaire's residence and feeling something's off.

"You're just nervous , Adrien. You can do this!" he spoke to himself.

As he parked his car , he saw a black limousine nearby Alya's house. "Must be new neighbour,"

He shrugged it off and turned back to see ,

"Why is the door open? Is Marinette waiting outside?"

Voiceless (ADRIENETTE AU)✓Where stories live. Discover now