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AAAA WE ALMOST HIT 1K READS ! listen , i'll explain why i've been away for one WHOLE month , at the end of the epilogue chap :')

"Let's go back home," Adrien giggled as his and Marinette's nose touch.

Marinette nodded while he got up and held his hand out for Marinette.

They walked along the prettiest park in Paris and went through the Eiffel Tower.

"Hey , darling. Let's take some pictures," Adrien said , admiring Marinette's blue eyes.

He took his phone out. *Click*

"I'm going to tell our kids how alluring their mother is," he blushed.

Marinette smiled. Suddenly she realised something. She signed to Adrien , "Our kids?"

"Yes." Making her blush.

Adrien answered simple bringing Marinette in his embrace. They strolled down the streets as Adrien placed his arm around her shoulder. 

A few blocks down, they arrived at a bakery. She's looked around and wonder why she haven't seen this bakery in Paris. 'And the name is Marinette?'

Little did she know , that is her surprise. Adrien took her hand and looked at her fondly. "Let's get in?" he asked.

Marinette nodded and gave him a little smile.

The door creaked open after Adrien gave it a light push. Marinette was mesmerized by the pastries scent that shot in as soon as the door opens. And more to her surprise, it's completely dark. She pulled Adrien's cuff and showed him a 'why-are-we-entering?' look.

"Shh," Adrien grinned. He took her in and closed the door behind her. As Marinette's eyes wander the dark store , she tried to grab Adrien's hand yet, he's not anywhere near her.

"Un , deux , trois!!" she heard a familiar woman voice. 'Nathalie?'

Everything went bright before her eyes. "Surprise ! Joyeux anniversaire Mari!"  the whole family exclaimed.

She gasped in surprise and saw everyone delightfully sang her 'Joyeux Anniversaire'. Happy tears escaped her eyes when she saw Alya , Nino , Gabriel and Nathalie , even Rose and Nathaniel and Adrien's students came!

She stayed there smiling and crying tears of joy and spread her arms for a big family hug.

"Awww! It's been so long since I haven't hug anyone this way," Alya wiped her eyes.

Marinette smiled sweetly and she suddenly realises one thing. "Where's Adrien?" she signed.

Fortunately , Nathaniel and Rose understand her.

They made eye-contact and shrugged their shoulders, smirking.


They all looked at each other and burst out laughing. Yes , they knew who made the sound.

Meanwhile , Nathaniel and Rose approached Marinette.

"Mari , joyeux anniversaire! Here's our gifts for you," Rose started. Smiling jubilantly.

"Rose and I had a few plans for today. Sorry we can't stay long. May you have the happiest birthday with that blonde haired crackhead," he winked.

"Oh , I will. Thank you so much! I love you two," she signed with her smily eyes.

Rose returned it with a hug and Nathaniel with a wave. They walked out the bakery , hand in hand.

'I knew they'll end up together,' she thought

Voiceless (ADRIENETTE AU)✓Where stories live. Discover now