Studydate II

284 10 2

Adrien's POV

I gotta think quick , after what Nino and I discussed for five minutes.

What should I do to tell her I like her.

Because , I heard girls do like man who makes their first move. Right? I hope I'm right.

5 minutes ago

"Mission , studydate. Venue , check. The couple , check-," Nino started listing out the things on his phone as he took a glance of me.

"Well , couple , technically check!" He exclaimed.

"One last thing , my boy. Activities you should do,"

"And I'm going to let you think for this one. I'll suggest some 'study sort' of meeting and try to confess with your sign language," he raised his eyebrows to me and laughed.

"Oh , fine!" I laughed. "Thanks for the idea , though. I don't know what I have to do if I don't have you here , bro," I sighed.

"Wait a minute," I just thought.

"Now , what? How do I erase this awkwardness in this house tonight?" I asked Nino

He replied with , a shruggie.

"Let's just try our best , alright? Get in and act cool," he winked and laughed again.

It kinda made me feel relieved eventhough laughing is kind of not suitable in this situation right now.


"Ready , dude?" Nino looked at me.

I heaved a sigh , "Yes,"

"On the count of three,"




I gently twisted the doorknob and slowly pushed the door. And as the door opens , I saw Marinette's cute little face.

Shoot, stop being so cute.

I made an eye-contact with her before it ends when she broke it apart. Allowing Nino and I to enter the house.

"Honey , can I have a minute with you?" Alya asked Nino with a smile on her face.

"Sure," and they went to the backyard , bringing Jake along. Eventhough I don't know what's the point going to the backyard.

But , they left me alone with Marinette. And I'll try to keep the plans on.

Out of the blue , Marinette tapped my forearm and raised her phone. Avoiding eye-contact.

"Uh, you want me to check my phone?"

She nodded rapidly , and I swear , that's the cutest thing I've seen today.



She typed , "Would you like to go on a date with , me?,"

Is this?
Am I?


She literally asked me out. OKAY START NOW ADRIEN , START.

"Oh , I-I,"
Another text , "It's okay if you don't want to (╥﹏╥)"

"NO! It's not that , I was about to ask you out too," I held out my hands to her shoulder.

She's such a precious little tiny ARGH I CAN'T WITH MYSELF.

Voiceless (ADRIENETTE AU)✓Where stories live. Discover now