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Marinette's week went well. Trust me.
After she met the guy named Adrien Agreste. After she knew he could be the pillow she can cry on.

The day at the park

"Hey , you know what? I'm a teacher in a school in the countryside. To be precise , disabled school teacher. We can meet there more often , don't you think?" asked Adrien sincerely.

He was trying to help Marinette to be happier and helping her to cheer up. Marinette nodded and wiped her tears.

She mouthed , 'Thank You' and smiled sweetly. She swore she could see he blush when he looked at her. But quickly turned away.

"You know , you're my idol since your first album," he chuckled. Embarassed but his smile still glued on his handsome face.

She laughed. But just silenced one came out. He giggled , and it was the most precious thing she heard. "Hey , you should keep those laugh better. You'd end up feeling weird since you just- um , nevermind,"

He smiled , guilt washed over him. She understood it. But she wasn't bugged by it.

"I'll send you the location later , okay?"

She nodded in response. Handing him her phone to save his number in it. "Here, save your number in mine too," he smiled. And she was reminded of the sweet breeze that felt so good on her skin by looking at it. She took his phone without hesitation and saved her number in it.

Alya and Nino came and greeted the young man. "Hey , what's up dude! Long time no see," Nino said , shocked to see the guy infront of him.

"Ooh , none other than Nino Lahiffe!" Adrien greeted back. Surprised. "Looks like you've been a great Dj since we met , huh?" he smirked and laughed.

"Ha ha , of course,"

"Wait , wait , wait! May I know how you know each other?" Alya spoke.

"Him? Oh , he's my father's friend's son ,Gabriel Agreste," Nino replied.

"Gabriel Agreste ? The millionaire that owns a house in the countryside?" Alya asked , curious. "Yeah, that's my father. Nice to meet you," Adrien said politely. "Same here," Alya replied with a sincere smile.

"It's getting colder here. Let's talk at that cafe nearby," Nino shivered. "Agreed. Let's go," said freezing Alya.


"I suggest Marinette to go to my school in the countryside so that I can teach her sign language," Adrien started as soon as their order was placed. Alya ordered a Caramel Milk for her and Marinette. As they both liked caramel. More like , ADORE caramel. Nino ordered a hot Americano while Adrien ordered Cappucino.

"Wait, you knew?" Alya asked , surprised that Marinette could open up to him. "Yeah , well. We had a talk earlier," he said rubbing the back of his neck , reminded of the moment he guessed why Marinette wouldn't talk to him. Marinette grinned from ear to ear seeing Adrien like that. She knew what he was thinking about.

"So , since the countryside would take a few hours by car, let's search for a house there , should we?" asked Nino looking at Marinette for approval. Marinette took a few minutes to think and have everything planned. She nodded with a cute smile on her face. Adrien blushed at the sudden cute attack.

'dang, she's cute. woah , no Agreste! get ahold of yourself! '

"Great! Let's start packing later and we'll search for it tomorrow. We'll move there on Monday?" asked Nino. He was a great planner when it comes to a trip with his friends. Well, this isn't a normal trip. They're moving. And it's going to be exciting.

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