Girl , You Made Me Tipsy.

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Alya went out of the car. Adrien looked at her , surprised.


And with that , they freezed.

(i'm sending you a fluff warning from here , prepared to be loved muahahaha! >:)<3)

Alya brought her palms out , showing them a sign to stay and bent her knee a tiny bit. Her action looked like a policeman trying to secure a crazy culprit from running as he pulled a gun out from his pocket. Except , she's getting her phone. Yes , she's taking picture right now.

"Nailed it ! Couple photos!" Alya cheered as she showed the photo towards the clueless three.

Marinette would have shouted at her and asked her to delete the picture. But no , she couldn't do any of that.

She don't want to remove the hand intertwined with Adrien's.

'Seriously , author.'

(and Ivan was like , 'lol okay mari')okay imagine that didn't happen now

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(and Ivan was like , 'lol okay mari')
okay imagine that didn't happen now. 😂

She liked the warmth of Adrien's hand. She shrugged it off with a beautiful shade of blush on her face , 'Let it be , Mari.'

Adrien glanced over Marinette with the same crimson red tinted on his face. "Ohoho , like I didn't notice that," Alya interrupted him. Making his blush deepens.

"See w-what?!" he tried to cover himself.

Alya sneered , "Fine then , Adrien. Come in , faster!"

As she invited them into the car , she noticed the cute tiny boy Adrien was carrying. "Such a cutie! Where are his parents?"

Adrien and Marinette walked towards the car , Alya followed Adrien's pace. "He's an orphan," Adrien said , smiling.

Alya's expressions fell. "I.. I'm sorry , I didn't know," she said , guilty.

"It's okay , Alya," Adrien answered.

"Can I carry him?" she made dolly eyes. Adrien chuckled before slowly handing Jake to Alya. He didn't fuss about it , though. In fact , he happily obliged , smiling to Alya.

"Aww , you make me feel like adopting you!" Alya chirped, tapping Jake's nose.

They got into the car. Adrien and Marinette sitting in the back whilst Alya who's carrying Jake sat with Nino at the front.

"Hey , chico!" Nino said pinching Jake's fluffy cheeks. Jake smiled as he patted Nino's arm , adorable.

"Where is he sleeping?" Alya asked Adrien.

"My house," he answered, staring out the window. Scattering sprinkles landed on it.

The bluenette would've died by now. Their hands are still intact.

Voiceless (ADRIENETTE AU)✓Where stories live. Discover now