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Third Person's POV

Marinette and Adrien had their lunch together as they relaxed for a bit. They fell into a comfortable silence. 

"Excuse me , sir. May I come in?" asked Riley holding hands with another girl Marinette definitely knew. 

'Maya , that sweet little girl,' she smiled in awe as she looked at the adorable girl beside her. She waved at Maya and earnt a giggle. 'Wasn't she deaf?' 

She looked at Adrien with a questioned look. "She lost her hearing ability in a car accident a few months ago, so she actually knew how to giggle and laugh," Adrien replied as if he knew what was Marinette question. 

Marinette nodded again and smiled looking at the black haired girl beside Riley. "It's just that the giggle wouldn't sound like , an actual giggle. But we'll still know what it was," he continued. 

Soon after, the class was filled with kids , mostly happy and sweating. 'They surely went to the playground,' Marinette smiled as her eyes moved from one to another.

And suddenly she saw a crying boy sitting in the corner. 

She quickly stood up and went to see the boy. Adrien , clueless of what she was going to do , followed her as he just realized the crying little boy. He instantly bent down to his level and asked with his sign language. 

'Are you okay, Jake?' he asked , lifting the boy's chin. Jake showed his hand and the terrified look Adrien held faded away. He heaved a sigh of relief. He picked the tiny boy and had him seated on the beanbag. 

Marinette patted Adrien's shoulder as she was also worried. "He got a small cut. No worries , princess," he smiled. 

Marinette replied with a relieved smile. 'Keep calling me that way , goldie,' she wanted to say it out loud so he knew she found him. It wasn't confirmed , but she had this feeling and she knew it was right. 

The boy soon stopped crying and hugged Adrien after he put on a band-aid on his hand. 'Did you fell just now?' Adrien asked with signs before he brought him to his seat. The boy nodded , refusing to use sign language as he was scared it might hurt. As soon as Jake sat on his chair, Adrien used the sign , saying 'Be careful next time. We don't want you to get another cut,' he smiled and winked. The boy cheered up. 

Adrien walked to the front of the class as Marinette stared from the back. It was miraculous that all of his students paid attention to him without hearing him saying anything. Adrien stopped right in front of the chalkboard and wrote :


Right after that, the class went a bit noisy with kids making noises using the things around them. Adrien went to the back and not long after , Rose and Nathaniel came to join. 

"This is what they'll do after lunch,  hanging out together," Nathaniel said raising his eyebrows.

"Well, mostly playing. And we'll watch over them," Rose explained.

"They are actually allowed to sleep at this time. In a few minutes , some will come and tell us if they wanted to sleep," Adrien continued.

"Usually, we played with them and when they got a little tired , we'd offer them a nap," he explained , smiling. "But lately, they've been playing with themselves and we definitely will watch over and guard them. Just in case anything happens, y'know," he continued as his eyes travelled across the cozy classroom, observing each of his students. 

"Oh, did I tell you that we combine our students? Well , most of them were Adrien's whilst mine and Nathaniel's didn't reach ten," Rose giggled. 

Marinette smiled in response. It was actually fascinating to see kids that lose their abilities at the young age to play and communicate that good. She could see the happiness they kept in their eyes. 

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