Where is My Voice?

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Third Person POV

Marinette was coughing very hard. She heard a knock and she saw Clarissa coming in. Clarissa asked her "Marinette? Are you okay?" Marinette only replied with a nod and an 'OK' sign. "I got to go , Marinette. My sister is waiting for me. I'm sorry I can't wait for long", said Clarissa with an apologetic look. Marinette smiled and continue coughing. "Are you sure you are fine? Do you need any water?" asked Clarissa making sure Marinette was fine. Marinette lifted the glass of water Chloe gave earlier. Clarissa replied with a nod and waved Marinette goodbye. Marinette waved back and she started coughing badly again. She drank another sip of water.

'What is wrong with me?' , said Marinette to herself , staring into deep space. She was once again snapped from her fantasy by Nino. "Marinette , are you okay? You have been staring at the innocent wall for a while already! Alya is on her way to pick us up for her slumber party tonight," said curious Nino. Marinette tried saying 'I'm fine' , but her voice won't come out of her throat. Nino was very questioned looking at Marinette's action. He tried to make her say something.

Nothing came out. Just silence.

"What is happening? By any chance , did you eat something after the concert or , drink anything?" asked Nino. Marinette widened her eyes of realisations. She even tried to gasp when nothing came out of her throat. She looked around and tears started welling out of her bluebell eyes when she spotted a half-finished glass of water. She took the glass and throw it on the floor causing a loud crash and wet the floor. "Why did you throw it? Who gave it to you?". Marinette look around with her teary eyes trying to search for a pen or a pencil at least. When she found a pen, she wrote on her hand:

'Chloe Bourgeois'

"What the hell?!" Nino gasped with a shocked look. Right after that, Alya came in just to see Nino with his hands pinching the bridge of his nose. "We need to know what Chloe put in that darn water. WE REALLY NEED TO ," Nino shouted the last few words before Alya questioned us "What happened, Babe?" . Nino replied angrily "DARN CHLOE BOURGEOIS PUT SOMETHING INTO MARINETTE'S WATER!" . Alya gasped in shock "Chloe? The spoiled brat in our class from highschool? She's Marinette's bully right , Mari?". "She can't say a thing, honey," Nino said with a teary eyes caused by anger and in a hard tone. His fist clenched. Nino was also her victim. She called him 'DJ Failure' and tell the whole school about it just because he accidentally spilt his drink on Chloe's bag. "What? Why?" asked poor Alya. "I'm going to explain later. Now, let's take Mari to the hospital. I am very sorry that we ruined your party , honey," Nino said feeling guilty. "No , it's okay, Nino. Our friend's safety is our priority now. Let's go !"

They all got into Alya's car as she rushed to the hospital at full speed. On their way to the hospital , Marinette suddenly collapsed.

Marinette's POV

Pain. Pain was all I felt while Alya was rushing us at full speed to the hospital. I felt a very painful feeling in my throat. I can't endure it anymore. I tried to talk and I can only hear Nino talking to Alya where should she go as a shortcut. I need some water. My drying throat is killing me. It's painful. Very painful. Help me !

I can only remember myself searching for water maybe a bottle or two in Alya's car , before my vision went black and I can hear slow voices caused by Nino and Alya trying to wake me up. I tried to wake up. But I can't. It's too painful.

Alya's POV (POV chnges are good for health y'know ;))

Marinette collapsed. I couldn't think of any other way to wake her up. I saw tears running down her cheeks. She must be feeling pain right now. I pity her. Her long time bully came back. I knew it's Chloe's fault. It MUST be her.

I drove my car at the highest speed not even realizing how fast I was. Usually I would get all dizzy because my car was too fast ,but now ,for Marinette's safety ,I need to bear it. She needs me. I admit I felt a little dizzy right now

but for Marinette , I can do it !

Not long after , we made it at the hospital. I called the nearby nurse and explained the situation. Marinette was sent right into the emergency room because she just wouldn't wake up. I'm scared. I was panicked. I was looking down , biting my nails and pacing along the corridor when I felt a warm embrace in front of me. I look up just to find Nino's T-shirt. He said to me "Don't worry Alya, Marinette will make it. She is strong , okay? I am also scared , but let's pray for the best and prepare for the worst," . I hugged him back in a very tight and warm hug. "I am proud I got a super caring boyfriend," I said while our hug tighten.

Thirty minutes had passed. Me and Nino was sitting side by side while waiting nervously for the doctor. Suddenly, a nurse came out with a slight frown on her face and said "Are you Mr. Lahiffe and Miss Cesaire? The doctor wants to see you now,". Me and Nino nodded and we went inside to meet the doctor hand-in-hand. Nino hold my hand tightly and looked at me encouragingly to calm me down. For the millionth time today , I was very grateful to have an extraordinarily caring boyfriend.

When we got inside , we saw Marinette sitting on a patient bed sobbing silently. We were somehow relieved to see Marinette safe and sound. We saw a female doctor sitting on a chair beside Marinette's bed. She was trying to calm her down. We assumed she was the doctor that the nurse had mentioned.

I knocked the door slowly gaining the attention of sobbing Marinette and the female doctor. When we heard a muffled voice saying "Come in," , we came in and I was trying to hold back my tears seeing Marinette broke down like that. "Mr. Lahiffe , Miss Cesaire , I am Dr. Bridgette. I am Marinette's doctor," said the doctor. We nodded in response and fell into an awkward silence. Nino then started "Dr. Bridgette , may I know what happened to my bestfriend?" breaking the silence. "She was poisoned , we examined the liquid residue. And we found poison in the liquid. The poison can't be clarified yet," replied Dr. Bridgette before she continued "causing her to be mute,". I gasped in shock. I put a hand on my gaping mouth to close it.

This can't be.

I look at Marinette , she's still breaking down in tears. I hugged Marinette tightly. I told her "We're gonna make it somehow , okay Marinette? We're going to find a way , I promise," with a voice holding my tears. I feel for her. Marinette nodded still crying.

We need to do something. And figure this out.


1207 words!

Wow , I can't believe I can write that long.
Again , for the millionth time , I am sorry if this sucks.
but if you don't think so , can you be so kind to turn the white star to orange?
(you don't have to actually , cus im writing for fun ;))

but say what, I think this story is kind of running away from the track. Im kidding. But if it does , I will bring it back okay?

and , you can tell me my mistakes in the story. the one that made you confused or anything :)

Thank You for reading this book !
Chap 4 coming soon :)

Peace Out! ,


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