Family Dinner

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"Greetings everyone ," Nathalie break the silence with a smile on her face. From the outside , people pictured her as a cold and straight faced lady. But deep inside , she kept a heart as soft as silk. 

Alya wore the brightest smile she had ever shown, she idolized Nathalie. She's the symbol of strength. When she was in a big gossip after Emilie divorced with Gabriel, she didn't even flinch. The gossips dissapear faster like that. The reporters threw dirt at her. She was rumoured to have a scandal with Gabriel before he became a divorcee. She didn't go to bed crying. She knew it wasn't true, Gabriel knew it wasn't true, Adrien knew too. And it was enough for her.

"Good evening, sir," Nino greeted Gabriel. "Good evening, young man," he replied , warmly with a smile on his face. Marinette didn't want to seem rude , but she couldn't say anything. So she returned their greeting with her smile.

"What sweet smile you got," complimented Nathalie. Marinette blushed and used the sign language , 'Thank You,' since it's the only sign Marinette knew about. "Oh, have a seat," Adrien invited. 

"Why , thank you Adrien. We're just here to give these creampuffs Nathalie made this evening," said Gabriel, smiling.

"Enjoy your evening, everyone," said Nathalie , arms linked with Gabriel. As they walked to the door, Gabriel stopped and said, "Oh, and Adrien, come by tomorrow at 6 , we'll have our annually family dinner," and winked towards Adrien. Adrien knew it wasn't an actual family event. They did have dinner, but not annually. Adrien came there frequently. They live separately, yes. But he also came by when his father ask him to. 

There must be something they wanted to discuss about.

The four had dinner and it went by smoothly. A lot of laughter and joy. Nino , Alya and Marinette couldn't compliment less about Adrien's meals. They're purr-fect.

They finished half an hour later. Nino decided that they should be going. Adrien walked them to the door. As Nino and Alya walked to the car, Adrien tapped Marinette's shoulder ,"Well , see you on Monday?" he said , blushing as Marinette gave him that smile again.
Melted loverboy? Yes, yes he is.

Marinette nodded. She gave a small wave before turning to the car and suddenly stopped. She took  a glance of the blonde behind her and walked back towards him.

She gave him a hug. An oh-so-tight hug. Adrien was shocked as his cheeks got flooded by warmth and automatically turned into a tomato. He thought she was too cute , she only reached his chest and she wrapped her arms around his torso. It looked like a baby bear hugging her dad, not wanting to let go. He grinned with loving eyes and rubbed her back.  

They stayed like that for a while , *Click!*

Alya facepalmed , she forgot to turn the flash off. Now the picture was blurry.

"Now, you spoiled the moment , you darn phone !" Alya scolded her phone , as if it could hear her nag. "Gonna need a new one," Nino mumbled. And a second after , "Gonna need a new one!" said Alya. Nino loved her too much until he could even predict what she'll be saying a second after.

"Nino, baby," Nino mumbled upon himself. And as usual, "Ninooo , baby," Alya said with puppy eyes. "Yeah, babe. Don't have to say more," he turned to her direction and gave her a peck on the cheeks. She replied with a blush and a stunning smile of hers.

On the other side, Adrien saw Alya's flash. He let Marinette go a few seconds after he patted her back. "I think you better get going. It's a tough road here at night," he blushed.

Marinette nodded happily and gave him another wave.

He waved back and just remembered about the phone number they saved on each other's phone earlier today. He was too excited that he waved as the car drove off and even after Nino's car dissapeared to the night. He's waving the air around him. One glance, he might look like a crazy kid who had a sixth-sense. 

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