Chapter 28

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Caelans POV

It all happened so quickly. One minute we were eating and talking. The next I was ripping heads of vamps.
They went for Miriam, she had no way of protecting herself I had to help her but that put Morgan in danger, I knew she could take care of her self, Miriam couldn't. 

There were so many of them. I'd linked Jax and Tye, they were there in minutes with half the pack. Each one would give their life for their Luna.
But it was too late.

I looked over to where she was just seconds before fighting - and winning - and she was on the floor being fed on by 4 vamps.
I roared I have never felt so angry I shifted into my wolf and destroyed them all. I shifted back picked her up and ran her to the hospital.

The pack could take care of the rest of the vamps. Someone must've linked Jeff ahead as he was waiting for me when I arrived.
I took her to the emergency room and Jeff and a group of nurses were hooking her up to machines and cleaning her wounds.

Miriam mind linked me 'the pack has prevailed alpha, what can I do'
'I need you to get Morgan's bag out of my room, give it to Jax and have him bring it to me now'
'consider it done alpha'.

"She's lost a lot of blood"
"her BP is dropping"
"we need to get her into theatre"
"she needs a transfusion"

I could hear all of these words floating around me but understood none of them. The nurses tried to get me to leave but I wasn't going anywhere. I wouldn't leave her. Not now. Time passed, minutes, hours I have no idea.
felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. It was Miriam. She gave me the bag. I took out a green bottle and handed it to Jeff, "this will stop the venom spreading, just dab it on the bites"
"of course alpha" he bowed then carried on.

Miriam took my hand and guided me into a waiting room, she sat me down and hugged me, not just a little hug, a real 'I'm never going to let anything hurt you' kind of hug. And I cried. She held me and I cried. A while later Jax turned up with Bobby. No words were spoken, they were just there. Which is exactly what I needed.

Jeff came into the room, I stood up "we have stabilised our Luna for now, she needs a blood transfusion. I honestly don't know how she's still alive. She's only a human but she's so strong". He gave me a small smile.

"Use my blood Dr" I commanded. "Alpha  she needs a lot, more than what I can safely take from you in one sitting"
"take as much as you need, I'll be fine".

"I'll be her second donor" Bobby stood up. "We both have alpha blood, 2 bodies should be enough, right?"

"And if it's not then a Beta is ready to be drained. I'll give my life for my Luna" Jax stood up and put his fist over his heart.

I have never felt as proud as I did at that moment.
We all donated to keep a steady stream of blood flowing. Miriam offered too but I think she was too shaken up to do it.
I went to give my second donation and Bobby and Jax were waiting for their turn, when I had finished I walked back to the waiting room. I could see Miriam on the floor on her knees scrubbing it. What's going on?

I stepped in and saw Mary standing over her with her arms crossed.
"What's going on in here?" I took Miriam by the arm and helped her up.

"What are you doing Caelan? She's just an omega, it's her job to clean up after us higher ranking wolves" she looked at me with a smarmy look in her face and proceeded to put her hands on my chest. I grabbed her hands
"She's not just an omega, she's my omega and you have no right to even speak to her let alone order her around. And when you address me, it's Alpha". I growled at her.

"B..but Caelan,  er.. can't forget about all we had, when Morgan dies then we'll get back on track" she had a look of pleading in her eyes.

"Your Luna is not going anywhere. We are over Mary. Move on" I boomed at her.

I let her hands go and she ran out. I sat down with Miriam and took her hand
"well she's not a polite little cherub is she?" Miriam scoffed.
I smiled at her.

"When Jax and Bobby finish I'm going to get them to take you home. Just stay away from the windows".
Jax and Bobby walked in. I nodded at them both, they knew it was time to leave. Miriam stood up and kissed me on the forehead.
"She's perfect for you my little darling, she will come through this". Miriam said softly. "Try to get some sleep" and with that they all left.

I was still seething from Mary's outburst. How dare she speak to Miriam like that.
She was my grandparents omega but not for long, when my grandma died, before I was born, my grandad went a little mad apparently then disappeared which is when my father took over and kept her with us. When I was born she was amazing to me. She was the one to pick me up after i'd fallen over and kiss my boo boos better. The first thing I did when I became alpha was set her free. But she wanted to stay. I told her she was welcome to stay and she didn't need to cook and clean anymore. But she said she enjoys it and loves taking care of us. But she promised me she would tell me when it got too much for her.

A couple of hours later, Jeff came in. "We've done all we can for her now Alpha, the rest is up to her".
"Can I stay with her Jeff?"
"I've had the orderlies set you up a cot already" he smiled at me.

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