[Chapter {14}]

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Callum's POV

I got up with a gasp coughing violently. Then I remembered my and I was up in a flash. I gotta find Nathan I think stumbling out of my room.

"Nathan, Nathan, Nathan," no reply, I huff in frustration before trying out another approach.

"Mom, Mom, Mother," I yelled the last part frantically when I wasn't getting any reply.

What the hell is happening, where are they. Many conflicting thoughts were going through my head and among them was glaring possibility that Nathan was dead.

I was about to call out again when a noise coming from above distracted me. I listened closely and my heart thundered at the fact that it sounded just maybe like one of my mom's spells.

I followed the sound to the top of the roof, releasing a breathy sigh when I saw that it was indeed my mom.

"Mom you scared me, I've been trying to call you for sometime now," I wheezed not sure why I was out of breath.

"You were, I'm sorry, I guess I was too focused on the spells," she replied uncrossing her legs that were formally in a position of meditation.

"Mom, where's Nathan," I asked cautiously feeling my heart plummet to the bottom of my stomach despite the fact that she hasn't answered my question.

"He left about an hour ago, why," she asked looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Did he say anything before leaving?" I asked ignoring her own question.

"Not really, he did ask questions about the clan though."

"Questions like what," I asked even though I could very much guess.

"Like where it's located and how to get in, it's security status and it's hideout."

"Mum, when he asked you this questions, didn't it seem I don't know a little suspicious to you," I asked exasperatedly wondering why my usually smart mom isn't acting like it.

"Somethings are not in my opinion to judge Callum. Your boyfriend's mind seemed pretty made up about whatever he planned to do."

"Well now he's on his way to plot his own death, I hope that is in fact not in your opinion to judge," I retort harshly not believing that she didn't try stopping my boyfriend from doing something deadly.

"Callum, calm down, I'm sure we can fix this."

"And what if he's already dead, what are we going to fix huh," I question wrapping my arms around myself.

"Give Nathan credit here, he's strong enough to not get killed for two hours. Now instead of panicking, how about you try preventing him from dying."

"I try, what can I possibly do. I was looking to get your help, Mother."

"What are you talking about, you don't need my help."

"I do, Mother, I can't risk my boyfriend being killed."

"You're going to have to risk that because I'm not allowed to help you."

"What do you mean you're not allowed to help me, you're...."

"You spoke to your dad didn't you," she questions cutting me off.

"How did you...."

"I'm your mother, remember."

"Oh, I always seem to forget that," I drawled sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at me, but didn't comment on my sarcasm.

"Right! So aren't you going to save your boyfriend already."

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