[Chapter {4}]

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Callum's POV

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. A large black sweater and grey ripped jeans with my Black converse. I scowled at my reflection, at least I tried and I think this is as human as I can fucking look.

I took the black Honda Accord my mom had offered to me yesterday. Hopefully this will make me seem more human and I might just fit in. And oh boy how bloody wrong I was.

Immediately I got out of my car all eyes seemed to be focused on me. It's like the whole school was informed of my arrival. As I walked through the halls I shivered at the number of eyes that were following my every movement. Their preying eyes looked ready to attack at any slight movement.

I sighed in relief when my locker came into sight with Eliza standing beside it.

"Oh you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now, I don't get why everyone is staring at me with such intensity but it's freaking me out," I breathed.

"Are you serious, in all the days of our lives we've spent in this school, never has anyone seen Nathan Packer show any sign of interest in anyone until you came along," Eliza cried in reply like it was the biggest thing that has ever happened.

"He's not interested in me Eliza."

"Oh sure he isn't, how can you explain the fact that you're the only one who he has tried to talk to apart from his friends Matt, Josh and Clara."

"He didn't try to talk to me, he threatened me yesterday Eliza."

"Sure, what did he say then."

"It doesn't matter, all I know is that I don't like him and I'm not a fan of the attention he's causing me to get."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but he's heading our direction and.."
I didn't let her finish when I took her hand and made a run for it. There's no way I'm letting him ruin my morning.

I dragged Eliza to our first class of the day and although we were fifteen minutes early, I've never been happier about arriving early to a class as I was now.

The teacher had arrived five minutes ago and was now going on about something I didn't care about but had to pretend I was listening to, that's why when the door slammed open I was kind of grateful for the distraction, that is until I saw who it was.

"Nice of you to join us Mr Packer," our teacher said without even looking at him. She has probably had to deal with him for a long time since she seemed nonchalant about it.

"The Pleasure is all mine Gladys," he replied smirking. They're even on first name terms? That means he's definitely a rebel and all the more reason I should stay away from him.

"Okay class pair up into groups of two's please so you can prepare for your baking assessment and I can see how far you guys have gone in baking and were I'm supposed to start teaching you from," Mrs Leo said picking up a big dusty book of I'm guessing recipe and placing it on her desk for anyone who needed help.

I'm sure you're thinking, who the heck has home economics first thing in the morning, and your answer is unfortunately me. You're also wandering how is a vampire supposed to bake when the only thing they consume is blood. For this I have no answer other than the fact that we can still eat human food but the thing is they all taste bland no matter how sweet they are. I'll rather drink blood and I'm sure all vampires will agree with me on this one.

"So Eliza were partners right," I said turning to look at her.

"Sure let me just....."

"Ehem," somebody cleared their throat behind us catching our attention.

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