[Chapter {9}]

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Callum's POV

After yesterday's confusing events and feelings, I decided it'll be best if I steered clear of Nathan for some time.

Sadly and altogether pathetically that plan isn't going great right now.
Seeing Nathan with that hopeful look on his face is rapidly crumbling my reserve.

"Look I understand if you don't feel comfortable enough to come, I'll just..." Nathan was saying but I interrupted him without even stopping to process what I was about to say and do.

"I'll come," I rushed out feeling my face heat up but of course it goes unnoticed, you know vampire and all.

"Really," Nathan asked his eyes glimmering with what could only be happiness. With that expression on his face, I couldn't even scold myself into believing that I made a wrong decision.

"Yes really," I replied now spotting his really infectious smile.
"Nice, meet me at the parking lot after school ok," he asked giddily the bounce in his step a tad bit obvious.

"Sure, now get to class or you'll be late."

He smiled brightly then moved in most likely to hug me but stopped in his tracks and settled for a wave.
I returned the wave with a slight smile trying hard to conceal my disappointment.

I'm really beginning to regret telling him to stop being touchy with me, I really miss his touch.

I stood in the hall staring at the path he exited from for what was most likely to be ten minutes before realizing that I was extremely late for class and that I was also being low-key creepy, even though I refused to admit it to myself.

I trudged half-heartedly towards my class cursing my life.

The rest of the of the school day was a blur as I waited in anticipation for the day to end. Once the last school bell went, I was out of my class in record time sprinting over to my locker to dump my books in it.

I mentally and physically calmed myself before stepping out into the parking lot like I had my whole life under control, which I definitely didn't but no one had to know.

I spotted Nathan leaning against his shiny black car looking every bit like a male model, he looks so delicious I wouldn't mind having a piece of him...ok bad thoughts, pull your shit together Callum."

"Hey," I greeted once I was standing in front of him.

"Hi," he greeted shyly his cheeks slightly tinged pink. The fact that he wasn't as confident about this as I thought kind of relieved me.

"So, you ready," he asked flashing me an encouraging smile. I nodded giving his a small smile of my own.

He opened the door on my side for me before jogging over to his side of car as I slipped in. I was immediately engulfed in his sweet scent, a combination of his musky cologne and the smell of pinecones.

I sank into the plush leather car seat and put on my seat belt. Nathan pulled out of the parking lot while I looked out my window humming to the soft music playing from the cars radio.

After about thirty minutes we came to a stop on a dirt track. The whole place was surrounded by tall tree and the forest looked really steep. I couldn't see any werewolf houses or parks anywhere, not like I knew what they looked like anyways.

Nathan took my hand and lead us through the massive trees acting as my anchor and preventing a lot of embarrassing falls.

When the forest began to clear, a large house came into view and I gasped. The house could've easily passed for a penthouse if not for the fact that it was in the middle of nowhere and that it looked more homey rather than snobby.

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