[Chapter {5}]

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This chapter is dedicated to JayJayNC because she's a really amazing person.

Callum's POV

We were currently at gym and I have to say, this isn't one of my liked classes. I'm a vampire and it's quite easy to comprehend that heat bothers us a lot which explains my hatred for gym. Well that and the fact that I was a wuss who couldn't really care less about sports.

Right now I was on the bleachers with Eliza and a girl named Layla and we were currently watching the football players. Five minutes later Eliza and Layla excused themselves to go to were I wasn't really paying attention to.

Our main motive of watching them practice was to sort of encourage Justin since he's our friend and all but if I'm being honest, my eyes has only been on one person since I got here and you can make a really lucky guess. That's right it's Nathan freaking Packer.

He looked so graceful out there even in his helmet and funny looking football clothes. You could tell he was a terrific player from the way he kept stealing the ball from the guys and then successfully dribbling them when they tried to retrieve it.

I was too focused on gorgeous Nathan and how good he was at football to notice the ball flying straight into my face until it hit me. The pain was already fading, thank you vampire power. I'm not sure I'd have liked walk around with a headache.

I looked up to see who had hit me and saw three jocks from the football team laughing at me.

"Sorry fag didn't see you there," the tallest and most muscular of the three said chuckling.

"Yeah, sorry faggot, now pass us the ball would you," the raven in the group said smirking.

Suddenly his smirk was wiped off his face and I looked to see a seething Nathan trying to break free from the hold Justin and Linc had on him and they didn't seem to be doing a good job. Just how strong was this guy.

Nathan finally released himself from their hold and picked the two guys up getting in their faces while the third guy back off.

"If you ever touch Callum again, I'll make sure you loose all of your body parts, got it," he sneered.
They nodding quickly and he threw them on the ground before making his way to me. He just tossed two burly guys like rag dolls and he isn't even breaking a sweat. Damn what a turn on.

"Baby, are you alright," he asked scanning my face for any injuries.

"I'm fine," I replied hitting his hands that were on my face and covering my face with my hands in embarrassment. He chuckled at my embarrassment but gave the people that were watching us warning glares.

"Why did you call me that?" I asked still embarrassed.

"Call you what?"

"You know what, why did you call me baby?" I cried but then lowered my head because of how embarrassed I was feeling.

"What, you didn't like it," he asked the sad look back on his features.

Damn this guy, "no it's not that, it's just that there where a lot of people around."

"I don't give a fuck about what people think Cal."

I just nodded. Aren't you going back to your game I asked realizing that he wasn't gracefully running around the field.

"Practice is almost over so there's no use. By the way, you're coming to the game on Friday right."

"I wasn't really planning to, not a sports fan."

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