[Chapter {18}]

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Callum's POV


I didn't feel like passing out because it was Nathan, I had a big hunch that it'll would be him, I feel like passing out because of the state he was in.

Nathan almost looked dead and despite that fact, I still saw him try to smile when he spotted me. It looked painful considering the fact that his whole body was bruised.

I felt tears rush to my eyes and I had to choke down a sob that still made it's way out anyway.

Every inch of Nathan was covered in injuries and the silver on him weren't letting them heal. Standing seemed to be causing him a great deal of pain and at that thought, I finally let the tears stream down my face.

I can't believe they dared to do this to my mate. I'll make all of them pay painfully I told myself now spotting a waterfall of tears.

When Nathan noticed my teary face, he once again tried to give me a reassuring smile but really, he wasn't fooling anyone, most especially me.

Suddenly a new emotion courses through me, I had the sudden urge to hurt everyone who ever hurt Nathan.

The longer I stared at Nathan, the more my rage built up. I'm about to unleash all my pent up emotions on the blood sucking demons in front of me -forget that I'm one of them for now- but something rather someone stops me.

I made the mistake of glancing at Nathan once again and I could tell he was feeling the rage flowing through me. He tried once again to calm me down but couldn't go any further because his expression twisted into one of pain, and that's where I lost it.

"You'll pay for what you did to my mate," I growled my fangs popping out eager to kill.

I was about to launch at Matilda when I caught sight of one of her guards injecting something into Nathan, and then it clicks, silver.

My body launched on its own accord in Nathan's direction but before I could get there, I was pulled back by three, four, five guards. A scream pulsed it's way through my throat and my limbs thrashed about frantically but their hold on me was impossible to get out of.

I watched in fear as a dizzy look crossed Nathan's features his eyes glazing over. He tried to speak and from what I was able to read, it seemed like he was saying my name. I struggled more against the burly men and my rage tripled as I saw my mate slip in and out of consciousness.

I looked over at Matilda and almost growled at the fact that for some sick reason, she seemed to be enjoying all of this. I glared furiously at her with a plausible amount of hatred but before I could so much as speak, Nathan let out a piercing scream which was subconsciously followed by my own scream as he lost consciousness.

I continued to scream as they dragged Nathan's crumpled body away.

The sound of Matilda's laughter fueled the fire burning within me, "Relax, he's not dead yet, hopefully" she added chuckling. Oh so she thinks this is funny, she thinks messing with the life of the person I love is funny. You heard me right, I love Nathan freaking Packer and I'm in no mood to think about the weight my words hold.

"He will be fine and you will get to leave with him unscathed......if you give me what I want," she teased but you could hear the threat behind her teasing demeanor.

I suddenly felt useless and defeated. What was I thinking, that I'll be able to rescue Nathan just by arriving here in one piece. I've always been weak and nothing's going to change that. My mom was very wrong, I haven't got what it takes to rescue Nathan, heck I can't even harness the powers everybody claims I have. My whole posture slouched despite the fact that I was still in the restraints of the guards.

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