[Chapter {26}]

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Callum's POV

"Baby, are you ready?" Nathan asked from the other side of the door. I had intended to reply a 'yes', but of course, Nathan had to see for himself. Plot twist, I am infact, not ready, and I'm freaking the hell out.

"What the....you're not dressed?" He confusedly stepped into the room. His eyes, scanned the hurricane-aftermath looking room.

"The vampires are here, your mom got them to come, as promised," he informed me, deciding to ignore the mess surrounding us.

"Great," was my dry reply which had Nathan furrowing his eyebrows.

"We have to get on with the ceremony then. The vampires have to be back in their clan before sunrise. It's almost six, our coronation starts in the next twenty five minutes," he looked at his watch, "scratch that, twenty four minutes, you've got to hurry."

"Copy," I gave him a thumbs up to accompany my reply.

"I don't understand, Callum, why the one worded replies. Don't you want to this, I'll call of the ceremony if you don't. I thought I told you to inform me if you had any doubts."

I felt bad for putting Nathan in misery. One thing was certain though, I wanted this coronation. But sprinkle a little bit of anxiety, nerves and my churning breakfast, you'll have a disorganized me sitting in a pile of discarded items.

"It's not you Nathan, and I really do want this ceremony," I assured him fiddling with my fingers so I didn't have to meet his eyes.

"There's an unspoken 'but', what is it? If you don't tell me, I wouldn't know how to fix it," he spoke softly breaking my resolve.

I poured out how I was feeling to him, "I'm nervous Nate, what if your people don't like me. What if I mess this up, I don't think I'm worthy of ruling by your side," I sniffled feeling my emotions beginning to crack through the boundary I set around them.

"Oh Callum, why didn't you tell me you were nervous," he asked pulling me into his chest.

"I didn't want you to worry about me. Besides I'm not a child, I can take care of myself," I huffed in his arms making him chuckle, the vibrations from his chest caused goosebumps to litters around my skin.

"Well look where that led you," he teased and I leaned back to slap his sturdy chest lightly.

"For real though, every single member of my pack adores you, how can you not see that by now."

"Low self-esteem, I guess?" It was meant to be a joke, but sadly, it didn't draw any laugh from Nathan.

"I don't like it when you look down on yourself Callum. Your going to rule by my side because you're damn well worthy of it. There's going to be no ruining of any sort, so get those scandalous scenarios out of your head," he ordered flicking my forehead lightly.

"Ow," I grumbled half in pain, the other half of me was occupied by relief. What would I do without Nathan by my side, I wonder why the hell I had even started second guessing. Nathan was my all, I would be by his side for ever, even if it kills me which, hopefully it doesn't.

"You're not still nervous are you?" He asked in concern. I gave him a reassuring smile to show him that I was fine.

"I'm going to get dressed okay. I'll be down in fifteen minutes," I said pushing him in the direction of my door.

"Can't you go any faster than fifteen minutes," he asked from over his shoulder.

"Nope, a guy needs his beauty bath, mostly if it is on his coronation day."

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