[Chapter {20}]

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Callum's POV

I followed Matilda's lead as she went down a shady looking hallway.

"Where are we going?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"To see Nathan, I'm sure you've missed him a lot," she responds a maniac grin on her face.

Yeah, if you didn't kidnap him, I wouldn't be missing him 'a lot'. I didn't say this to her face though, even with my new powers, I wasn't that confident so I went with the old fashioned, "Hmm."

We stopped in front of a disturbingly shiny silver door and if my enhanced senses were anything to go by, Nathan was behind this door.

Despite everything that happened, despite me knowing what I was going to see behind those doors, nothing still prepared me for the sight I was witnessing in front of me.

My heart strained painfully in my chest and it took everything in me not to lash out. Eliza was straddling a mug-shot looking Nathan and they were engaged in a passionate kiss, at least that is what it looked like from the angle I was in.

Nathan arms were around her neck and it looked like he was tugging her closer and despite the obvious pain he seemed to be experiencing considering his injured form, he still managed to kiss Eliza desperately.

I had to consistently remind myself that this was all a trick, but the more I watched Nathan desperately kiss Eliza, the more difficult it became.

Matilda had a pricking hold on my arm as she kept us in shadows so that we could continue watching them.

Nathan untangled their lips and ran his hand through Eliza's hair, I watched as his lids fluttered shut momentarily before they opened back up with fierce determination.

Eliza moved in to kiss him again but Nathan stopped her placing their foreheads together instead, "Callum" he whispered with so much conviction it brought an immediate stream of tears down my face.

I gasped audibly as it hit me, Nathan thought Eliza was me. Nathan was only kissing Eliza because for some ridiculous reason, he thought she was me.

That was all the push I needed to escape from the claws of the vampire beside me. I was by Nathan's side in a second, a considerable improvement in my speed, and before either of them could gage what was happening, I had flung Eliza's lanky body into the wall nearby.

"How is this possible, you're not eighteen so you shouldn't have your powers yet," Matilda yelled a frantic look on her face.

"I guess you can say I had an unexpected visit, what's it to you anyway, scared that I'll finally defeat you."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Callum, just because you have your powers doesn't make you are stronger than me. I'm a five thousand year old vampire, the longest that has ever lived, I know how to deal with situations like this."

"Whatever, you've lived enough anyway, I think it's finally time for you to join your ancestors."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Callum," she taunted and before I could process what was happening, Nathan was pulled from my grasp in lighting speed.

"Don't you dare hurt him, Matilda," I growled feeling hot red anger rise within me.

"And why would I listen to what you say Callum, you broke our deal remember."

"So your saying striping me off something I pretty much own is fair to you?"

"I never said I fight fair darling," and with that, she stabbed Nathan straight in the chest with a silver knife and threw his crumpled form against the room.

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