[Epilogue {27}]

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Nathan's POV

"The rogue has been targeted, block fourteen C, about ten miles from here," Mason announced through the mind link, to Callum and I.

"Copy that, we're on our way," I responded before blocking the connection. Can't have him reading my thoughts, then mocking me about them later on.

Ever since Callum and I mated, he had been able to mind link werewolves of my pack as well. We had been training each other hard, because surprisingly, we both found something we loved to do. That something was avenging the innocent, and giving evil what it deserved.

Our squad consisted of Callum, Matt, his mate Sara, Claire, her mate Sasha —yes her mate turned out to be a female— and I. We had a few extra additions but not important enough that I'll bore you with the details. We weren't the best of squads but I guess you can say, we protected our district. You could call us, the Supernaturals. No, I'm not kidding, we named ourselves the Supernaturals, courtesy of me of course (who else were you expecting).

I held Callum's arm, before he could go flying out of the room. It was hard to keep up with him with his superspeed.

"Now, now, you just can't leave me like that. Where's my kiss, what if we don't make it back together on this mission," I teased but Callum didn't seem to appreciate my joke, or find it funny.

"Don't joke about things like that Nathan or I'll kick your ass," he spat through gritted teeth, already coming closer. I raised my hands in surrender because I didn't for a second, doubt that he would whoop my ass. He was that strong, I posed a good match, but not when he was angry.

"Fine, you're no fun," I grumbled and he rolled his eyes attempting to leave, I caught his arm in my hand to stop him, once again.

He looked at me as if to say, what do you want now.

"Ah ah ah, you don't think I'm going to let you leave without at least one kiss," I grinned at his sour expression. His pouty lips made me want to kiss him more.

Callum and I have been officially mates, for a little over a year, but the rate at which I wanted him hadn't cooled yet. In all honesty, I doubt it ever would. Hopefully, Callum felt the same way. It'll be a bummer if he didn't because I loved him more than anything in this world.

Callum let out a heavy sigh, but slowly turned towards my direction. When his body was finally in front of me, he wrapped his pale arms around my neck, went on the tip of his toes, and brought my neck down so that our lips could touch.

The reaction was instant, the fire burning through every nerve. This never got old. Infact, the feeling seemed to be more intense every single time.

Judging by the way Callum let his feelings sink into the kiss, he had seen the doubt on my features, and was desperately trying to reassure me that there was nothing to worry about. Who am I not to take the bait.

What should have been a peck, or at least a short kiss, turned into a full on make out session. I let my hands travel under Callum's shirt so that I could rub his sides. He shivered, and I smirked through the kiss.

My hands apparently have a mind of their own, because they now lingered on his thighs. Callum got the message and leaped, his legs coming to wrap around my waist.

"This doubting thing is getting old. How many times do I need to remind you that I'm utterly, completely and undoubtedly in love with you," he whispered breaking the kiss, but giving me in between kisses before every word.

His skin was flushed, in only a way a vampire's would, and his pale pink lips were swollen. A glorious sight that made me want to forget about our impending mission, and just make love to him.

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