[Chapter {1}]

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"Mom why do we have to move into such a huge house, is it really necessary if it's only the two of us who'll be in it," I asked the slightly tall Raven haired woman in front of me.

"Yes honey, you know vampires like to live in big houses it's kind of like our thing."

"Mom you know it's really uncomfortable when you speak like a teenager and the fact that you're two hundred and sixty five years old just makes it creepy."

"Well look who's talking about creepy, you're a freaking vampire Callum everything about you is creepy."

"Well that makes two of us, after all what's a child without it's mother," I said smiling sweetly.

She just rolled her eyes at me and carried our luggages inside since our little argument had taken place outside.

My mom and I are sort of outcasts even among our own, vampires that is. It's not like they want to kill us or anything they just treat us with way less respect than other vampires especially me since I'm a new born.

I'm seventeen like actually seventeen and not the four hundred and thirty years old seventeen looking kind.
That's why I said I'm a new born and I still have eighty three more year before I can finally stop being referred to as a new born.

There are really few new born's presently so I'm getting treated like an egg, yay me although I think that me being treated like an egg has more to do with my structure than being a new born.

Vampires are usually tall including females, well as tall as a female should be anyway. So my 5'6 self is a really small height for a vampire mostly a male.

Back when we were still leaving in the clan I was the shortest male and second shortest among the females. The shortest female who happened to be one thousand and fifty year old female was sadly my only competition which made me an easy target to the vampires. They already treated us like crap so that was just a bonus on my part.

That's why my loving mum suggested that we moved away till they become more accepting which would be in a pretty long time because vampires can be really stubborn.

I entered into the already furnished house courtesy of my mom's sister who is the only one who treats us like regular vampires.

I retrieved my luggage from where my mom had kept and took it to my room. I unpacked everything and with the help of my vampire speed I was done within five minutes. A regular vampire would have done it within two but I'm still working on my speed.

So I should probably tell you guys why I and my mom are sort of outcasts. Well you see at one point in my mom's life she fell in love and as luck in this case bad luck will have it he was a human. Because she loved this man so much, my mom was able to gather the courage to tell him what we were which was a mistake on her part for she put him at risk.

Somehow word got out that my mom was in love with a human and that she had told him about us vampires. One night when my mom was away they came and killed him, I was only one year old by then. Even if I didn't really know my father I was still proud of having a father like him because not once had he ever told anyone our secret. Infact he wasn't even that freaked out when mom told him and like the awesome father he was, he carried our secret to his grave.

My mom had been angry but mostly heart broken so she sought to isolate herself from the clan focusing solely on raising me. This just fueled their hatred for her more and somehow the hatred passed to me which isn't a surprise really as I can't say I'm a really likeable person. The only vampires that have ever show me affection are my mom and her sister. Some try to tolerate me while others don't even care and openly show their distaste.

What made people hate me even more was the fact that I was given a gift as some people like to call it but to me if sun immunity makes my clan hate me more, how can you call it a gift. Yes I was immune to the sun and most vampires thought it was unfair hence their jealousy. My mom told me it was from the vampire goddess as a compensation for what the vampires did to the love of her life. Sometimes I find that hard to believe but I just go with it.

The bullying or avoiding any one they choose to do to me was due to my appearance. I had white hair and blue coloured eyes unlike other vampires that had raven coloured hair and black or grey eyes. I already established the fact that I'm short making me an easy target.

"Hey honey what are you thinking about your eyes are watering" I heard my mom's voice say as I felt the bed dip beside me. Yah I am emotional and I'd like to think that I'm a pathetic excuse for a vampire really.

"The clan," I simply responded not looking at her.

"Oh honey you shouldn't be thinking about them because they're not worth it. If they can't see how beautiful love is and learn not to judge others no matter what or who they love then they're really more idiotic than I thought."

"If love caused you all the pain you had to pass through then I really don't want to fall in love mom."

"Shush don't say such a thing Callum. Love is a beautiful thing to experience and even if I had to suffer for it, I'll not have it any other way."

"You'll love the feeling you get from falling in love Callum so when it comes don't try to resist it no matter who it is okay."

I hummed in response and she kissed my forehead and pulled me in for a hug. After about five minutes of hugging she released me.

"You know you're starting your first day of school tomorrow right." she asked.

"Yes Mom my how can I forget about my first day at a regular human school."

"Don't be like that sweetie, it'll be fun all you have to do is adjust to their lifestyle and with your vampire knowledge senior year shouldn't be hard for you now should it."

Ohh the irony of that sentence, even back at the clan school had been anything but fun. I'm not even sure you can put school and fun in the same sentence.

"Easy for you to say, it's not like acting like a human when you're not one is difficult, nope it's a piece of cake"

"Callum I didn't say it was easy but I know you'll be able to do it because you're special and also because I'm your mother and if you fail I'll whoop your butt."

"Thanks Mom, geez encouraging much," I said my voice coated with sarcasm.

"You're are very much welcome honey now go to bed so you'll wake up in time for school."

"Gosh mum I'm a vampire, I don't need sleep and night is basically our go time."

"Well if you wanna learn how to be a human fast you should start acting like one fast, besides sleeping early can be really refreshing."

"And how do you know," I asked.

"I pretended to be a human for ten years Callum I think I'd know."

"Fine," I huffed, "Goodnight mum."

"Night honey," she said closing my door gently.

I stood up and went to look out my window, the view was beautiful. I have always been one to like high places because you could see the whole world from high up hence my room being on the highest floor of our tower like house. The house was not really in the open because of its weird style but if found it wasn't bad enough to raise suspicion.

My mom needed space away from humans to practice. She is a fully grown vampire after all, well part witch too but that's a secret no one is supposed to find out. After staring out my window for sometime and trying hard not to think about school, I finally decided to heed to my mom's advise and turn in early. Hopefully it'll calm my nerves a little bit.

New story alert!!!

Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Comment your opinions on it as I would really love to know.
*Vote* and maybe *fan* if you feel comfortable enough to do so.

See you in the next chapter fellow wolves and vamps. Ok maybe not fellow but still see you in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading, love y'all.

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