[Chapter {6}]

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Callum's POV

When Nathan told my mom that he was my boyfriend, I expected her to flip since he was a werewolf but no, she freaking squealed.

Then she proceeded to yell at me about how she's my mother and how I did not tell her sooner. Let's just say right now, I'm really hating Nathan freaking Packer.

My mom having invited him in had a small motherly talk with Nathan about how to be a proper boyfriend and the surprising thing about it all was the fact that he seemed to be listening with rapt attention.

After the whole boyfriend talk which ended with Nathan promising my mom not to hurt me and of course she added a few threats like drinking his blood dry if he ever did actually hurt me.

Nathan seemed terrified at first but then a look of determination crossed his features as he once again promised not to hurt me.

The conversation later switched from our 'relationship' to what actually mattered. It was no secret that werewolves and vampires weren't exactly the best of friends but here we were acting like a werewolf wasn't at our freaking home.

It wouldn't help if our clan were to find out about it. They'd definitely use it to torment us more than they already did.

Fuck, why couldn't my life be all sunshine and rainbows. I snorted immediately at the obvious irony of my thoughts. I am a vampire for freak sake and here I was thinking of sunshine and rainbows.

Nathan confessed to being the next alpha of blood moon park which had been in town for about two years.
He didn't tell us where exactly they lived at but promised to show us if we'd come with him to his pack.

My mom looked conflicted which was not an expression I was familiar with on her ever confident face. But I guess the thought of going to a place surrounded by werewolves could do that to you.

This could be a trap and they could attack us within a blink of an eye. There's no way we'd be able to protect ourselves from a pack of werewolves not to mention the fact that my vampire powers are close to useless and needs years of training to actually be improved upon.

Though hesitantly she decided to give another creature who wasn't a vampire a chance. She was determined to let me find happiness, if only she knew our relationship wasn't true.

Sometimes I wander what made Nathan make the impulsive decision of claiming to be my boyfriend. It couldn't just be a cover up for my mom, he had to have ulterior motives.

Or maybe it was just an in the moment kind of thing I thought trying to brush the topic off as I tried to concentrate on the football game I was supposed to be watching.

After making me promise to attend his game even if I wanted to do anything but that, Nathan had proceeded to slip that little detail to my mom who insisted that I should go to support him.

So here I was sitting on one of the high seats for the audience clad in Nathan's large football jersey which he had forced me to wear with Eliza and Justin's boyfriend on either side of me.

They were obviously here for Justin and maybe a little for Linc too. They had given all their attention to the game which started barely ten minutes ago and was already looking very intense.

I could see Nathan in all his glory, his football uniform fit his gorgeous body just perfectly. Until now there has still been no uproar indicating a goal but I figured it was too early for that.

Half way into the game from what I could decipher with my zero to none knowledge about football, it looked like our team had a pretty good lead with Nathan running with the ball in attempt to score a goal.

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