[Chapter {10}]

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"What's a mate?" I asked curiously and oh boy was I met with so many astonished looks.

Was I supposed to know that?

"You don't know what a mate is," Veronica asked sceptically.

I shook my head in reply and her eyes widened.

"Nathan, why didn't you tell him," she asked glaring at her son.

"We started off on a wrong foot and besides I already ruined my chances of being with him twice, I didn't want to risk a third time. I came close to almost getting rejected and the feeling I got from that experience scared the shit out of me, it still does," Nathan replied whispering the last part with a pained look on his face.

"Honey, I'm sorry but you know you eventually have to tell him," Veronica said a sympathetic look on her face.

"I know," Nathan replied before sighing heavily.

This mate topic seems to be a really intense one. Considering the way they are going on about it, it must be something important and that thought is making me sort of nervous.

"Here goes nothing," Nathan mumbled turning to face me, he raked his hand through his hair before his eyes finally met mine. He took a deep breath before starting to speak.

"Callum a mate is someone who you're-" Nathan's explanation was interrupted by a loud bang. The sound seemed to have come from outside and from the looks of things, I wasn't the only one who heard it.

Damon was up in a flash Nathan following seconds after him. Damon ordered Veronica to gather all the women, children and aging werewolves and take them to what he called a ' safe zone '.

Nathan and other strong men probably the warriors of the pack followed Damon to where the sudden crash had come from. I turned on my heels ready to follow them but I was interrupted by the obstacle blocking my path.

I looked up to see Nathan glaring at me, "Where do you think you're going," he asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm going with you guys to see what the disturbance is all about," I explained in 'duh' tone like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was.

"You're not going anywhere, go back with my mom so you can stay safe with the others," he said and I was struck speechless at the sense of authority oozing off him.

"But I want to help too," I whined but he flashed me an unimpressed look.

"I'm not letting you go out there, it might be dangerous and I can't risk loosing you," he said a hard look in his eyes.

Although my heart fluttered at his statement, I still wanted to help, "But I..."

"Go," Nathan ordered cutting me off. I glared at him before reluctantly trudging up the stairs.

I stayed there for a while and when I was sure he was gone, I came down and rushed out in the direction of where they went.

The path led to the back of the pack house which was surrounded by trees to keep it hidden from humans and other creatures.

I went out and rounded the corner to see all of them gathered around something but I couldn't see what it was because like always, all of them towered over me.

I came closer to have a better look and when I still couldn't see, I started weaving myself in between the tall muscular men so I could get to the front.

When I finally got to the front, what I saw sent a wave of shock and fear through me. I let out a gasp my eyes widening.

I must've been really loud because everybody's eyes snapped to my direction.

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