[Chapter {7}]

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Callum's POV

Nathan's lips were still moving roughly on mine causing me to whimper at the intensity of it.
He seemed to take my whimpering as a sort of encouragement because he bit down on my bottom lip hard causing me to gasp while he waisted no time in shoving his tongue down my throat.

He moaned into my mouth causing me to moan too, he deepened the kiss seemingly happy with the reaction he was getting from me.

His tongue explored my mouth, hot and urgent like he wanted to taste every inch of my mouth. The kiss was turning my legs to jelly and I was beginning to feel hot all over.

I'm sure you might've heard the news on how vampires were sex crazed creatures. Well some of it is true, not the part of us being sex maniacs but the fact that react to pleasure a tad bit more ehh dangerously than humans.
In order words we're like hormonal teenage boys and when we get horny, well let's just say sexual frustration is not a good look on us.

I snapped out of my daze when I felt his hands crawl under my shirt. They felt warm and large against my cold lanky self. He caressed my stomach and I felt a bit conscious seeing as I was all flat stomached and no abs.

He growled lowly then started trailing open-mouthed kisses down my jaw to my neck. His scent was getting stronger and more irresistible seeing as his neck was directly above my mouth and my fangs must've noticed because I could feel them sliding out slightly.

My neck was really sensitive so his kisses left me a moaning mess as a surge of hit travelled down my body arousing mini-me even more. I could feel myself loosing control and just when I was about to throw any form of caution out the window, he bit down on my neck causing me to moan loudly and my fangs to slide out completely.

This snapped me out of my daze and I pushed Nathan so hard he stumbled backwards but caught himself before he could fall. Damn him and his werewolf strength I thought pouting slightly.

When I finally let my gaze travel to Nathan, he was breathing heavily and I was surprised to see hurt written all over his features. Was he hurt that I pushed him, why though.

Suddenly a wave of anger passed through me and I felt the need to yell at Nathan.

"Why do you keep kissing me without my permission. You're so damn possessive and I really can't understand why. We're not even dating, and that leads me to the question that has taunting me for a while now, why on earth did you tell my mother that we were dating," I yelled furiously. If I had blood in me, I'm sure I would have been red all over.

"I kiss you and act all possessive because you're mine and seeing as you belong to me, I thought it was necessary that I told your mom we were dating," he yelled back and I stared incredulously at him.

"What in the world made you think I'm yours because I sure as hell didn't tell you that."

"You don't have a choice Callum," he growled and I saw that his eyes were flickering to yellow again.

This guys ego is pissing me off. How can he just declare that I'm his without bothering at all to seek my opinion.

"Listen here wolf boy, I'm my own person and even if I was to belong to anyone, it sure as hell wouldn't be you."

A look of pain crossed his features and when he opened his eyes, all I could see was hurt. Even though I felt guilty, I don't have any idea as to why my words hurt him so I'm just going to ignore the pool of hurt flowing in his now hazel eyes and the guilt clawing at my throat.

"And why is that, why can't you belong to me," he cried.

"Because you're obnoxious and egotistical, you never care about my feelings when you kiss me and you sure as hell don't like me."

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