[Chapter {8}]

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Nathan's POV

I thought back to what happened today after the football match. I almost lost my mate, I almost lost Callum.

You know, I never really use to understand what was so painful about rejection but after yesterday, after being so close to rejection, I've decided that my mom was right, it's the worst feeling in the world and I'm never ever going to experience it.

Which leads me to my next problem, how the hell am I supposed to be close to my mate and yet not be able to touch him, that physical and mental torture. But then again I'm going to try hard for Callum's sake no scratch that for my sake, I need him.

I heard footsteps enter my room so I looked up so I looked up to see who it was.

"Dad what are you doing here," I asked my tall and scary looking father.

"I came to check on you, you seem out of it lately. I mean usually you would've been at your football after-party celebrating your victory with your team but you're here staring into space. You know you can talk to me about anything right."

I sigh, I guess it's time to tell him that I've found my mate.
"Dad, promise me you won't freak out when I tell you this."

"Sure, I promise," he replied though I could see the confusion written on his face.

"I've found my mate, dad."

"Well son that's great, now all you need to do is mark her and then you can become alpha. I don't the problem here son, infact I think we should celebrate..."

"My mate's a he dad."

"You're mate's a what now?"

"My mate's a boy, you know like you and I and Matt and..."

"I know what a boy is Nathan, I just can't believe it. How could you disgrace us like this," my father yelled shaking his head.

My eyes glazed over, he promised not to flip.
"But dad you promised to understand, besides you of all people know that I don't get to choose my mate. Infact when I first saw him I was repulsed by the idea of him being my mate, I wanted to reject him but it turns out I'm the one who almost got rejected,"
I yelled back shaking with fear and rage.

"You wanted to reject him, better yet he almost rejected you," my dad asked in shock.

"Why do you care, it's not like you're willing to understand me."

"Look son I'm sorry I flipped, it's just I've always dreamed of you to find a beautiful mate who'll be your Luna and give birth to future alphas for you. But with your mate being a boy, that's impossible. I'm sorry Nate but this is all hard to take in."

"I know dad, believe me I've thought about that. I mean I didn't even know I was gay till I met him."

"So how soon will you be marking him. You know you have to bring him home soon too."

"I know dad, infact I plan on bringing him home today, that is if he's ok with it. Oh and dad, there's a little extra problem."

"Ehh, what is it son."

"You see dad, my mate's a vampire."

My dad's face morphed into one of confusion, then shock then many more emotions I couldn't place.

"Ugh, why couldn't I just have a normal son werewolf god, is that too much to ask," my father cried throwing his hands up in exasperation. He glared at me one more time before huffing and exiting my room.

"Veronica your son is not normal, I don't remember telling you to give birth to abnormal children," my dad yelled an underlying childishness to his tone.

"Damon our son is perfectly fine and besides, have you forgotten that it takes two to tango. Yeah, that's right, you helped create him so if he's abnormal it's because he got your shitty genes," mom replied

I heard my room door open again and I sighed not bothering to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Hey Nate, why does your dad think you're abnormal," my mom asked sweetly.

"I don't know mom," I said with a sigh.

"Well Veronica, you said our son is normal, how do you explain the fact that his mate is a boy," my dad said.

"I know his mate is a boy and there's nothing wrong with that," my mom replied.

"I'm not done Vee, not only is he a boy but he's also a vampire, can you believe that?"

"Nate, you didn't tell me your mate was a vampire," my mom asked confused.

"I wasn't aware of that fact then mom."

"Okay, but I still don't see what the problem is Damon. Our son is perfectly normal and if you don't think so, I suggest you give birth to your own normal son. Nate baby don't listen to your father ok, he's the one who isn't normal," my mom said then glared at my father one more time I before leaving my room.

"Hey Vee, I'm you're alpha you can't walk away from me," my dad yelled stomping over to my mom.

"And I'm your Luna I do whatever I want and tonight I want you to sleep in a different room because I'm not sleeping with you, you asshole," my mom replied poking my father.

"Ugh, honey I'm sorry, don't make me sleep without you, you know I love you and that sexy body of yours," my dad hollered following my mom like a lost puppy.

Well that went well, now all I have to do is convince Callum to come home with me, how hard can that be.


You know I take back that how hard can it be thing I said yesterday.
I've been staring at Callum for the past fifteen minutes and I still haven't gotten the courage to go talk to him.

"You've been staring at him for over fifteen minutes alpha, go talk to him," Matt said nudging me. Did I forget to say that he's my best friend and also my future beta. Unlike me he hasn't found his mate yet so he's enjoying his last few days of being a whore.

"You think I'm not trying," I said glaring at him.

"No you're not because you've been standing there since forever now go meet your mate while I get me a piece of hot ass," he said and with that he pushed me till I was infront of Callum.

See he's a manwhore and he's super annoying, I don't even know how I stand being friends with him let alone best friends.

A hand poking my arm brought out of my reverie and I looked down to see Callum's small finger still poking me. This little touch is giving my wolf attention and we can't have that if I want to resist touching him.

I take his hand in mine and drop it by his side. He pouts at me and it takes everything in me not to kiss him, gosh this is much harder than I thought.

"Morning Callum, how was your night," I asked trying to start a conversation.

"It was fine, I spent it watching the stars," he said with a cute grin. Oh yeah vampires don't need to sleep, lucky them.

"Well the thing is you see I came to ask if you could, if you could, ehh, you know what never mind," I said turning to leave before I made an even bigger fool of myself.

"No wait tell me," Callum said putting his hand on my arm to stop me from moving. I looked down at his hand on my arm then his face to see him giving me an encouraging smile.

I gave him a small smile back then took a deep breath before spitting out the words.

"Callum would you like to go with me to my pack house today to meet my family"

To whoever is reading this story, I'm really sorry for the long wait, it's just that I've been concerntrating on my other story, so I haven't had time to update this one. I'm sorry for any mistake I might've made too and I'm also sorry that this chapter isn't that great.

I'm sorry for a lot of things 🥺

Hope you enjoyed this chapter though, see you in the next chapter.
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Love y'all.

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