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It was some time after eleven when my eyes fluttered open. I slowly stretched as I let my eyes shut back again. I was so exhausted for some reason and it felt like I could barely keep my eyes open. When I kicked the blanket off some, I attempted to roll over – but as I started to make myself comfortable again, I heard the familiar beeps coming from my communicator. I sat up and looked at it as if I had forgotten what its purpose was. Just as I was about to answer Zordon or Alpha, I heard Zordon speak through it.

"Rangers, you are needed in the command center immediately." Zordon spoke.

Did this apply to me? I wasn't technically a Ranger anymore. I didn't know what to do, but I decided that I better go anyways. If I wasn't needed or wanted there, then I would simply leave. It wasn't that big of a deal. I stood up from my bed, not even having the time to change or bush my hair – and put my fingers around the communicator while thinking about the Command Center.

I had forgotten what it felt like to teleport. It felt like I turned static for less than 5 seconds, but it also felt like I was being suction cupped into thin air. It was weird – I could hardly describe it. Within seconds, my feet landed on the ground of the Command Center and I have a quick glance around the room, barely awake. I saw all familiar faces there. Kimberly, Aisha, Billy, Rocky, Tommy, Adam, Alpha and Zordon. They all at least looked awake unlike me.

"Rangers, behold the looking globe." Zordon announced, "A new threat has risen in the city of Angel Grove."

I looked in the same direction as the others because I didn't know what the viewing globe was, but when I looked, I saw it was literally a crystal globe that was playing something on it. The others and I watched as something moved across the street and created an explosion.

"The Machine Empire has moved into our atmosphere and have sworn to destroy Earth as we know it. King Mondo has created an army of monsters and cogs that he intends to use to torment the city." Zordon explained.

"We're not going to let that happen!" Tommy turned around and looked at Zordon.

"They have launched their first attack here in Angel Grove near the High School. The five of you must be cautious as this new threat holds unbeknownst power. The Zeo crystal should aid you greatly during battle. As always, this power is only to be used for good and against evil. May the power protect you." Zordon said.

"Oh, hurry Rangers!" Alpha looked at the viewing globe to see a second explosion to occur.

"We've got some work to do!" Rocky watched the others, waiting to spring into action.

Billy and I watched as the five others in the Command Center stood in a line and then were teleported out of there. We both turned back to the viewing globe and in just a couple seconds, we could see the five of them appear where the explosions were. There were so many of this machine looking people running around – and I assumed those were the cogs. Essentially an evolved state of putties is what it truly was.

We watched as the others started fighting against these things. No one knew the strength of these cogs, so it was truly something we were all going to have to find out. I watched as the others tried to kick and punch at these weird things, but it literally sounded like they were punching metal and I knew that had to hurt. I wished there was something that I could do to help, but without any powers... what was there for me to do. I turned to Zordon to ask that because it was hard not being able to be out there with them.

"Zordon, is there anything we can do to help?" I looked at him in his tube.

"Danielle, without any powers I cannot risk sending you or Billy into any battles. The two of you should remain in the safety of the Command Center." Zordon said.

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