forty four

527 10 14

I woke up extremely early the next morning even though Adam and I hadn't gone to sleep until late. I was extremely nervous when I got up to use the bathroom because I was afraid that Rocky had told his parents what he walked into last night. We were just kissing... but I could see how it looked bad because Adam was on top of me – with his shirt off.

After using the bathroom, I ventured out into the kitchen because I knew I had to eat something. My stomach wouldn't shut up and I was feeling a little sick. I walked into the kitchen and went for something I had kind of been sticking by the last few weeks – plain yogurt and granola.

I tried to pretend that I didn't see Rocky, his parents, or the kid from the last night all standing around the kitchen. If I didn't see them, they didn't see me right? At least that was the logic in my brain currently. I was curious who this kid was though – I had never seen him before and he seemed to be close with Rocky.

When I looked at Rocky, about to ask him who the kid was... Rocky started laughing. I kept my comment to myself as I shoved a mouthful of yogurt into my mouth, trying to play it off like I didn't know what he was laughing about. This was going to be awkward and I was hoping no one was going to question why he was laughing. I wasn't that lucky because his dad had to be the one to ask.

"What's so funny?" Mr. DeSantos asked his son, giving him a weird look.

"He's laughing because she and Adam-" Rocky threw his hand over that kids mouth so fast to shut him up that I nearly choked on the mouthful of granola. That kid was going to be the one to get me in trouble. Not even Rocky. Just this little kid that I didn't even know.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about." Rocky kept his hand over the kids mouth, trying to play it off.

"Danielle and Adam were what?" Mrs. DeSantos asked.

"They were making out on the porch." Rocky threw it out there. That was fine – anyone could have seen that included his parents. I'm just glad he didn't mention how much more heated it seemed to be in the bedroom when he walked in for whatever reason last night.

"Yeah – we know that... I went to take the trash out to the curb and walked right past them twice and they were too busy sucking each other's face to even notice." Mr. DeSantos started laughing.

"We were teenagers once too you know..." Mrs. DeSantos started laughing with her husband.

"Were we doing something wrong?" I asked, getting red in the face from embarrassment.

"Did we interrupt you?" Mr. DeSantos asked.

"No." I muttered.

"Then you did nothing wrong." He looked at me.

"But they!" That kid started to say when Rocky though he could pull his hand away. This kid was going to be the death of me right now.

"They did nothing." Rocky looked at him. The kid shut up.

"Is there something else we should know?" Mrs. DeSantos asked.

"No. Nothing." I shook my head.

"Uh uh..." Mr. DeSantos eyed me but I quickly looked away because I wanted this conversation to stop.

"Who is the kid?" I asked, pointing to him.

"My nephew Justin. Justin, this is Danielle. She's kind of like your cousin now – unofficially." Mrs. DeSantos looked at us too, "My brother asked me to watch him this weekend, so he'll be here for a few days."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Justin." I smiled and gave him a death glare at the same time. This kid was going to get me into trouble.

"Is Adam awake yet? Him and Rocky said we could go to the Youth Center today and they are gonna show me some cool martial arts moves!" Justin suddenly got excited.

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