thirty three

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"Adam?" I looked up at him.

"Yeah?" Adam asked.

We had been sitting in utter silence for the last hour – even after Ms. Maria had brought us in some lunch. She had made sandwiches for us. Neither one of us touched them.

"You've really noticed that I haven't been eating?" I watched him.

"Yeah, I have." He nodded, "You hardly touch your food and when you do it's maybe one or two bites if that..."

"It's just hard to eat. Not that I don't want too, it just hurts if I eat too much. I'm not used to eating a whole lot of food like I used too. I was lucky enough if I got some crackers when she decided to leave me some food." I shrugged.

"I know it's hard for you, but you can't let yourself starve either, Danielle." Adam looked at me.

"I know... it's just, hard." I sighed.

"I know it is." He sighed with me, "I can't believe we both fell asleep yesterday and slept the whole night away."

"Yeah, me either." I agreed, "We both must have been exhausted."

"Yeah, we must have." He nodded.

"I hope that Mr. and Mrs. DeSantos aren't mad that I fell asleep over here." I thought it. They were probably worried out of their minds right now because I never told them that I was staying over at Adam's, but that was because I didn't intend on falling asleep.

"I'm sure my grandma probably called them." Adam said.

"Yeah, probably. You know what I want to do?" I looked at him again.

"What?" he asked.

"I've really been wanting to play a violin again. Mines at my grandmother's house unfortunately." I told him.

"We could go to the Music Room. Grandma wouldn't mind letting you borrow one of the ones there. I have a key to the room. As long as we tell her we're going there, she won't mind." Adam said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes." He smiled at me, "Let's go tell her – well, we should probably eat these first. At least try and eat half, okay?"

"Okay... I'll try." I muttered.

Adam grabbed the plate and sat it in the middle of us. I had moved from sitting in the desk chair, to sitting on his bed with him. He picked up one sandwich, and I picked up the other. I took one bite and tried to eat it. I managed to at least eat half of the half of sandwich and that was all I could stomach right now.

"You know, I might not be opposed to eating some mini tacos..." I smiled at Adam.

"Now, that's my girl." He laughed.

"I love you, you know that right?" I asked him.

"Yes, I do know that. I love you too." He smiled.

"Can we also get milkshakes – not that weird juice you get." I teased him.

"Hey – leave my wheatgrass and kiwi juice alone! It's good." Adam pouted.

"It's weird!" I laughed.

"Let's go before I decide to leave you here." He decided to tease me as he got up and started to walk out of his room. I got up and started to follow him. He leaned into his grandmas' room, where she was, and let her know what we were going to do.

While he did that, I slid into the bathroom and tried to make my hair look a little decent. Adam was right, it looked like a birds nest. I raked my fingers through my hair and smoothed it out just a bit and when Adam saw me fixing it in the mirror, he showed me where his hairbrush was in case I ever wanted to use it. While I was brushing my own hair, I made him lean down some so that I could brush his while I was at it. He had soft curls in his hair and I loved them. He had the prettiest brown color and the prettiest curls... I was kind of jealous because my hair was pretty much just flat unless I did something with it.

Company Of Angels || Adam ParkWhere stories live. Discover now