twenty one

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I was woke up the next morning with the news from Mrs. DeSantos that Ernie had called her and told her that I was hired. I started tomorrow morning and I was super excited about it. She seemed really excited for me too and that made me feel even better. After that news, I headed to my room to get ready. I knew Adam had told me that he and Rocky had a martial arts tournament, but I didn't know it was this early in the morning. Both Mr. and Mrs. DeSantos were going to be attending, which I thought was great. They really did seem like very supportive people and I liked that about them.

I was finished getting ready long before the boys were and that was shocking to me. Although, I didn't bother getting super dressed up though either. Just some shorts and a t-shirt to go with it. My hair was still in braids from yesterday and they had fallen out some, but didn't look bad at all.

I went into the living room and just waited until I was told we were leaving. Without even getting to say no, Mr. DeSantos threw a protein bar in my direction and I knew that was his way of telling me to please eat something. I didn't give him a hard time about it – I was feeling a little sick this morning, so it was probably best to try and get something in my stomach.

By the time I had finished the protein bar, Mrs. DeSantos announced that we had to go right now or they were going to be late for the competition. She didn't seem mad, just annoyed that the boys were taking their sweet old time it seemed like. We all rushed out the door and then Mr. DeSantos drove us to where the competition was being held at. It was at the Angel Grove beach, which was nice but I didn't particularly like being around the water. It was several feel away from it... but still.

I stayed pretty close to Mr. and Mrs. DeSantos while the boys went off to get all the stuff handled for their competition. We found somewhere to sit so that we could see everything just fine – which we ended up finding the perfect spot where we could see perfectly. I just didn't know when it was going to be their turns or even what was really going on, but I was excited to watch either way.

"So, Angie told me that you got a job at the Juice Bar? That's pretty cool – congrats." Mr. DeSantos looked at me.

"Yeah, I'm excited." I nodded, "So, what exactly are we supposed to be watching here? I know nothing about martial arts."

"Basically, each group spars each other essential. It allows each of them to practice their self-discipline and self-defense skill that they learned. Like karate, jujitsu, you know... stuff like that." He tried to explain it to me.

"So, basically I should just watch and smile when Adam and Rocky are up?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Exactly! See, you learn quick." Mrs. DeSantos laughed as she looked at me.

"I'd rather watch them play baseball – wait, I take that back. I'd rather not." I muttered.

"Do you got beef with baseball or something?" Mr. DeSantos asked.

"More like with someone on Rocky and Adam's team." I rolled my eyes.

"Tanya?" Mrs. DeSantos asked.

I nodded.

"What's wrong with that?" she asked.

"She likes Adam and openly flirts with him in front of me. You can even ask Kim and Aisha – they've both seen it too." I bit my inner cheek. I really didn't want to be thinking about that right now.

"You know, there was this one girl named Holly that was I was so jealous of when I was your age. She liked Calvin since they were in diapers. I couldn't tell you how many times that I thought he was going to leave me for her, so I understand your thoughts and feelings here. But, let me fill you in on a little secret about Adam here." Mrs. DeSantos reached over and put her hand on my shoulder, "That boy is going to marry you one day. He is so beyond in love with you that I literally think he would take a bullet for you. We've known him since he was a little kid and we consider him a son so we know a lot about him. We've never seen him so... just so happy to be with someone."

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