(31) - What the Doctor Ordered

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The son of Jafar was bouncing his leg up and down as he was sitting on the edge of his hospital bed, glancing over at the clock every five seconds. It was currently 11:59 p.m and Jay was yet to be graced with Harry's presence.

His eyes snapped towards the door when it was opened. Harry creeped in and Jay, while happy, was surprised. It wasn't like Harry to be punctual.

"Well, you're on time," Jay commented in a low voice, attempting not to make noise this late.

"Ye sound surprised?" Harry asked.

"Kinda, yeah," Jay chuckled. "On that and how you were able to sneak in here without being seen. Visitors aren't allowed after eight o'clock so nobody besides the patients and the staff should be around right now."

"And yet ye still expected me to succeed. If I didn't know any better, I would say that ye had faith in me," Harry teased with a smirk before sighing and explaining. "After I left Uma and Gil at Granny's, I came back and spent the day studying the shift changes and scouting the area so I can navigate through the building," he stated like a professional before pulling a rolled up piece of paper from out of his back pocket. He unrolled it and showed to Jay—it was a detailed map of the building, depicting all the hallways, staircases, exists and entrances with each floor depicted in a different color. He then handed him a folded piece of paper from out of his coat pocket—which turned out to be a document of the hospital's shift changes—which Harry likely stole.

Jay was genuinely impressed. While not many undertakings on the Isle ever required to be so thorough, Isle children know how to adapt to the circumstances. But, still. "You managed to all this in one day? How the hell did you get all around the hospital without being caught?"

"Well, when it comes to time constraints, I tend to prioritize speed over stealth," the son of Captain Hook stated absentmindedly as he kept his eye out the long vertical window of Jay's hospital room door. Despite knowing the shift changes and when nurses where supposed to be where at this time, it still doesn't hurt to make sure that the coast is clear before the two boys make their move. "Let's go," Harry said before softly opening the door and slipping his way out with Jay and closing it while making as little noise as they can again.

They stuck to the shadows of the already dimly-lit hospital as they made their their way to the nearest stairway on the second floor so they can make out once they get down to the first floor and decide where to go from there.

They walked close to the walls and were about to turn the corner to approach the door with the stairs leading down before Harry quickly held his arm out to stop Jay from turning the corner. "A nurse is scheduled to go to the patient in Room 117 right... about..."

Both boys backed away from the corner as a nurse made her way up the stairs and turned to the hallway the opposite of the one they were standing in to make her way to Room 117 just as Harry had predicted.

"Come on," Harry said, leading Jay down the stairs and quickly diving out of sight once they made it to the first floor which was significantly more crowded than the first.

Harry sighed and looked around, getting an idea when he glanced over at a laundry basket with staff clothes. He leaned over and whispered to Jay, "Why don't we nag some of those clothes, pretend to be nurses and be able to walk around freely?"

Jay shook his head. "To the Underworld with that idea," he brushed him off. "The staff here aren't blind—they're obviously familiar with their coworkers that they've been working with for over thirty years, and will know were not one of them. Not to mention that we're teenagers and will never get away with pretending to be nurses."

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