(45) - Keeping Score

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Prince Charming, Captain Hook, and Robin Hood all clinked their beer glasses as they sat back in their chairs.

"Good work today, guys. At the rate we're going, we'll have this center up and ready for opening by the end of next week," David smiled at the two men next to him at the counter of what used to be his wife's old loft.

"Well the archery range out back is almost complete," Robin informed. "When that's done, we can spread out the training mats up here."

"The only supplies we're missing right now is the swords," David noted. "I'll stop by Gold's later and see what he has in his shop."

"I can supply the blades," Killian shrugged. "After all, I worked as a blacksmith in Lancelot's haven during the Dark Curse."

"I thought that was just an alias," Robin looked at Killian in confusion.

"No, it was actually quite the promising profession," Killian nodded. "Though it was rather painful to see all the demands for armings when the cutlass is clearly the ideal type of sword!"

David scoffed, setting down his beer. "I beg to differ. The arming sword is the most dignified blade out there. Anyone with eyes can see that!"

"I might be missing a hand, but I can assure you—both my eyes are very much intact, and the cutlass is the most formidable sword there is."

Robin shook his head in amusement at the two bickering swordsmen. "Tsk tsk tsk. I'm afraid you two gentlemen haven't had the privilege of being introduced to the marvel that is the bow."

"Says who?" David asked offended. "I once shot a Black Knight off of a horse."

Killian shook his head. "...And?"

"He was riding it," David smirked.

Killian's eyebrows shot up, impressed at the prince, while Robin's expression remained neutral. He had accomplished more challenging displays of archery in his lifetime.

Killian inhaled. "Well, holding a bow and arrow would prove a difficult feat for me," he said dryly, holding up his hook.

"Besides, what kind of warrior likes to take out their enemies from a distance? I prefer things up close and personal," David teased Robin.

"Really? I dare you to say that to your wife," Robin chuckled as he took a sip of his beer, causing David's eyes to widen.

The pirate and the thief burst into laughter at the prince's expression. Everybody knew that if they dared comment on Snow White's preference of weapon, they would be happily introduced to her beloved bow and arrow.

Killian clicked his tongue as he added, "But never having wielded a bow isn't to say I don't possess exceptional marksmanship skills. You remember me shooting down Zelena's flying monkeys with my pistol, don't you?"

"Yeah, before it got jammed and Emma, Regina, and I with Snow had to come in and save your ass," David snorted.

"I do also recall during the barn showdown with Zelena, David and I were the ones doing the fighting, while you were unconscious the whole time after getting thrown to the side like a rag doll," Robin smirked.

"Yes, well I regained consciousness soon enough to see that it was your fiancée who had done all the hard work while Zelena and her monkeys were throwing you and Dave around like rag dolls repeatedly!" Killian retorted.

Robin smiled. "And I have no shame in admitting that." If they were being honest, they were all getting thrown around like rag dolls by Zelena and Gold during that battle. But, Regina was the one who had really saved their asses by finally being able to get a blast on the Wicked Witch and draining her of her powers by taking her necklace. The former Evil Queen likes to say it was a team effort because she claims she never would have been able to activate her light magic had it not been for Robin retrieving her heart, but when it comes to heroics, who keeps score?

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