(15) - The Seven... and a Half? Dwarves

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Doug walked beside his alternate father and his six alternate uncles as they made their way into their apartment building.

During the curse, the seven dwarves lived in the same building with their apartments right next to each other. It was rather convenient that after the curse broke, they could just go to Granny's for breakfast and walk to work together. And some were especially thankful that they lived right next to each other and didn't have to move in together because even though the wolf doesn't go anywhere without the pack—the wolf appreciates their privacy every once in a while.

"Alright, glasses, a couple ground rules," Leroy said sternly with his arms crossed as they made it to the top, making the son of Dopey stand up straighter.

"Rule number one: Don't tell a single soul about went down in the mines earlier. We don't need the Charmings and the mayor on our asses," the grumpy dwarf said.

"Rule number two: We dwarves run a tight ship here. We are a hard-operating, well-oiled machine. You wanna live with us, you gotta keep up with the lifestyle. You may only be half-dwarf but that doesn't mean anyone's gonna pick up your slack."

Doug nodded his head in understanding.

"Rule number three: If you go out, be back by ten o'clock. We get worried when one of our own stays out past curfew," Leroy said with a hint of softness in his voice.

"Those are our rules," he said, putting his stone-cold expression back on. "You got 'em?"

"Yes, sir," Doug said, refusing the urge to chuckle at feeling like he was in the military.

Grumpy smirked as he held his hand out and Sneezy also known as Clark handed him a blank pickaxe. It was passed down through the group until it came to Dopey who smiled and handed it to Doug. When Doug held it, his eyes widened as word appeared on it, or rather—a name.


"Axe never lies. Welcome to the team, Nerdy."

(A/N): I know, I know, super short chapter—but I still hope you liked it.

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