(48) - Take Out the Knife

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(A/N): Big thanks to slimeypirate7744 for providing the inspiration for Evie and Harry's backstory.


A ten-year-old Harry Hook crept his way along the outskirts of the Isle where a castle hardly befitting a queen loomed in the shadows. He grinned as he finally arrived below the open window he was looking for.

"Blueberry, Blueberry, let down yer garms," he called out dramatically. And was met by a rolled-up rope made of clothes tied together, landing on top of his head. "Ow!"

"Keep your voice down," a female voice whose owner came into view from the window scolded. "Or my mother will hear you."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Well, we wouldn't want to interrupt her majesty's much needed beauty sleep."

"Now get up here before the vultures get you," Evie whisper-yelled, disappearing back into the room as Harry climbed up the makeshift rope.

When he made it inside, he found Evie securing it to the bed, before rolling it back up and hiding it in the laundry bin. He smiled as he threw the sack he brought with him to the side and flopped down on the bed.

"What took you so long?" she asked, joining him.

"Bore-adon shipments came in today. Waited to get ye something something fresh," he shrugged as he grabbed the sack, and took out some bread and an apple for Evie, which she accepted eagerly.

"Thanks," she smiled as she consumed the food ravenously. Her mother's diet had seemed to be getting stricter and stricter to the point where she wasn't sure if she's still be alive if it wasn't for Harry sneaking into her bedroom window and bringing her food every couple of days.

"So... did ye mange to get yer contraband?" The little pirate raised an eyebrow.

The princess sighed and shook her head. "After everything we've been through, why do you still doubt me?" She proudly took out a bag of coins and tossed it to Harry.

"Yer mother won't notice this missing?" the son of Captain Hook asked as he examined the money. It looked to be enough to keep his father off his back for a good few weeks.

The daughter of the Evil Queen shrugged. "Even if she does, she'll never suspect I had stolen it—after all, she was keeping it under the floorboards of her closet. It'll never cross her mind."

"I guess yer my thief," Harry chuckled as he tossed the bag of coins up in his hand.

Evie smiled as she looked down at the food her friend had gotten her. "I guess you're my savior."


Back in New York, Harry had just returned from his pursuit of Ben's sister, and just in the nick of time as Ben and Evie had nearly been scared out of their wits as there was no trace of the raven-haired boy when they were done with their assigned doors.

"There you are! We tried calling you," Evie exclaimed. "What the hell happened?! Where did you go?"

"And is that a bruise?" Ben came over, concern written on his face as he saw Harry's slightly disheveled appearance and red mark forming on the side of his temple.

"I found Dague. She thought I was coming to shake her down, so she bolted," the son of Captain Hook explained absentmindedly.

"Did she hit you?" Evie asked in astonishment, trying to mask some of the amusement creeping its way into her voice.

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